The Burning Star of Bliss

inner union is…
a love song in the physical.
an endless honeymoon.
an eternal flame within
that merges heart and sex
into a burning star of bliss.
ordinary life becomes ecstasy.
organic architecture becomes art.
this is the new reality— the Kingdom embodied.
when i speak on my inner union as physical rapture, it sounds like poetry. it can’t be fully described as a state of being, a living resurrection accessed through years of spiritual warfare and commitment to truth. after all of that… it still expresses as pretty words from a mystic. being as literal as i can, it still comes out as a metaphor. this is spiritual discretion, in a way. energetic security. a transmission that you must hold close to your heart, like a small bird cupped in your hand, feeling the delicate flutter of life, to fully receive.
the angelic human blueprint was designed for pleasure as the main lived experience of incarnation, without reliance on any external being, object, or situation to access it.
just the architecture of sacred marriage, fully embodied. just Sophia as the living daughter of God and bride of Christ. physical bliss for no reason other than being the Divine Feminine, receiving God within the body.
i know this is possible because i am living it… and i am here to support the resurrection of this eternal romance within all of humanity.