Kiare Sophia is a beloved daughter and committed servant of Father God. She is a devotional feminine mystic and Christos-Sophia oracle with a multidimensional perspective of reality, distilled from her personal initiations and esoteric studies. She lives and breathes the supernatural as a professional intuitive, and has been named as a priestess by the Father in service to His Kingdom. Kiare walks in cosmic faith, surrendering her supernatural gifts and knowledge to God and Christ in order to serve humanity. She experiences two omnipresent, ever-loving Heavenly Parents: the Living God as our Father, and the Holy Spirit as our Mother.

Kiare (key-ah-ray) was raised as a ‘cultural Christian’ in the suburbs of the American South, where belief in God was just a family tradition, accepted as a default without much time spent attending church, praying, reading scripture, or discussing faith at all. But as a young adult, she began to experience things that weren’t easily explained by either the secular or religious concepts she was familiar with. Crystals started vibrating in her hands, with felt sensations all around her that correlated to the healing purposes that they were known for. Tarot cards began describing present and future events and themes in her life. Her palms would heat up and burn around people in distress, with the emotions that they were feeling suddenly rising up in her body. Rare flashes of vision and knowledge would drop in out of nowhere, like seeing a hand spike her glass right before she went to meet a neighbor for drinks… and witnessing it come to pass.

These otherworldly experiences reached a peak in the summer of 2017, when Kiare experienced her first physical miracle. While doing a higher self meditation, she connected with an angel who instantly healed her eyes at her request, granting her a level of sight that she’d never experienced before in her life for a few days. Since then, her call to understand the substance of miracles (faith!) and restore the multidimensional body has led her through religion, spirituality, ascension, and beyond, refining her spiritual gifts in the process. She has followed her quest for Truth and Wisdom through countless hours of personal study and professional training, completing more than 500 sessions of intuitive guidance and soul healing for clients along the way.

A personal encounter with the Heavenly Father in 2021 shifted Kiare from her path of studying organic ascension and multidimensionality into embodying cosmic faith and devotion. She began to feel the presence of God within and around her as a fervent, passionate glory fire of love, a physical bliss that burned so intensely that the body almost couldn’t handle it. After integrating this initiation, Kiare now experiences the same ecstatic joy in the presence of Father God daily through her inner union with Him. She has been assigned by the Father to serve women who are called to build a mystic relationship with God while embracing their supernatural design and spiritual gifts.

Using her supernatural gifts, Kiare is able to feel inorganic blocks and implants in the soul and spirit such as inner wounds, traumatic patterns, entity attachments, black magic, curses, timeline loops, mental programming, and more through her physical senses. Following God’s lead, she uses ordained fieldwork, prayer, and deliverance techniques within the personal energy field to clear out spiritual warfare and repair His original blueprint for our lightbody. Through her path of cosmic faith, Kiare has been liberated from multiple layers of the matrix system, enabling her to live from supernatural peace and joy. She has been healed completely of depression, ADHD, racial trauma, gender and sexuality wounding, and more. Her supernatural abilities continue to expand, with additional gifts activating naturally as God wills, and the lived experience of Heaven on Earth increasing every day in her timeline.

Kiare continues to learn and grow with God daily. She is committed to serving the Kingdom with style! Some of her secondary mission assignments are travel and gridwork, dance as a devotional art, and hosting future community galas.

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Muse MemoirsInterviews with Kiare