Mystic Life in the Organic Timelines

life in your organic timeline is…
a constant flow state of creative bliss.
higher missions that only you can fulfill
arts and passions that only you can master
true soul self exploration, expression, evolution
every moment Β· every day Β· for the rest of eternity
giving myself to God and healing my lightbody are the only things that shifted my daily experience of survival mode on this planet. as i devoted myself to the Holy Father and restoring His energetic design, my timeline began to shift back into organic reality, alchemizing artificial loops of struggle into joyful flow with the Cosmic Mother. my life has been filled to the brim with the currents and tides of πππππΎπΈ πΈπππΆππΎππ.
i live full time as an oracle of God, studying energetic architecture and downloading light codes of Christed truth. i am provided for financially so i can serve from my heart 24/7 without forcing goals on my service expression or draining my core feminine essence. i work as a multidimensional healer, using etheric light to shift lightbodies and planetary grids. i physically feel the pain of emotional wounds and the joy of soul restoration in each body part with my clients. i dance and cultivate my feminine arts in between daily training with God and my mentors. last week i dreamed of a curse in my family and cleared it from our bloodline while i was still half-asleep. this week i’ve spent my days chatting with soul sisters and playing with elementals. somehow, this is my new normal!
the best part for me is never being bored again. i have an eternity of gifts and wisdom to grow into, a whole Kingdom of dreams and projects to build and materialize. there’s so much to learn and do, always. i work less and more than ever, because even with plenty of time to rest, i am still growing with God in every moment. becoming all that i am called to be, in the fullness of my soul self. this is how we were always meant to live…
as we return to Father God and restore our energetic bodies, we also rebuild our lives within the grace and glory of the organic timelines. i want women to know that this new reality can bloom here and now! as more of the feminine collective exits the artificial hologram and comes Home to God, this will be our new baseline. it’s not blocked from materializing until you comprehend all of ascension or visualize for a year or earn 6 figures. life becomes magical again through inner union and lightbody healing. β¨