Kingdom Forecast 2022: The Higher Calling

the fireworks started for me on the night of Christmas Eve, at the stroke of midnight. too early, many would say, but somehow, they felt right on time. flares of golden Christed light in my yard filling the horizon of the future, keeping my eyes up to the skies despite the heart’s mid-healing tenderness.
the message was clear: 2022 is here and already calling me ๐ฉ๐ช๐จ๐ฉ๐ฆ๐ณ.
higher in my union with God, which continues to be unspeakable, unknowable, unbelievable, essential to all that i am and all i ever will be in so many ways.
higher with the body and her multidimensional resurrection at the end of a lifelong era of constantly seeking health answers, watching myself grow in nourishment and vitality with ease through the daily implementation of what is ordained for my physicality, expanding my mission to rebuild and restore it completely.
higher as the sweetness of my timeline restores itself, this deeper quality of life behind the screen that the past year’s spiritual seeking has brought me, focusing all my intensity on becoming more of my soul selfโ woman, muse, eternal child, celestial royalty, living spark of light, sacred daughter, bride, and beloved.
higher through the Kingdom gates i have unlocked with the keys i now embody, behind the veil as one with the body of Christ, where i am being prepared to live and create for Love at increasingly refined levels of mastery, in all circumstances, through all temptations, despite all distractions, no matter what.
2021 gave me a taste of eternal Home here and now. God brought so much peace and tranquility to my daily life and at the same time placed within me the promise of a 365-day celebration. i’m a thousand times closer to this, closer to Him, than i’ve ever been. there is so much joy in my heart, knowing that Love is already victorious, knowing that Life will only get better.
this will be a year like no other. ๐ฅ