(Not) Defending the Divine Mother

however She may be known to us… as Mother God, the Holy Spirit, or simply Love…
the Divine Mother does not need defending.
as tempting as it is to wade into ideological wars in Her name, to argue and debate all day on who and what She is to humanity or Father God… it brings no meaningful resolution.
the feminine places a heavy burden on her soul when she equates her faith in the Mother with justifying the concept of Her to others. even when we have mission assignments to serve as public mystics, oracles, and wayshowers, it is not our responsibility to redefine the Mother for the world. attempting to do so can be a coping mechanism for religious and spiritual persecution wounds that need to be healed privately, not externalized onto strangers.
the idea of the Holy Mother is not the same as Her living essence. critiques of theologies that include the Mother do not tangibly harm Her. worldviews that misrepresent or ignore Her do not leave Her in a state of victimhood. the Mother’s true protector from any real threat is the Father– and He is already collapsing the anti-life system behind all distortions of Her truth.
when we release the weight of needing to prove the Mother’s existence or importance, and simply float in the pure flow of life where She dwells, we can access a deeper revelation of Her mysteries. maybe this will spread to the collective one day, but personal immersion in Her waters is the only thing that directly changes hearts and minds.
if you are questioning the Mother or clearing false versions of Her, take the time to feel into and experience who She is from the now moment, without relying on external perspectives. use your inner union with the Father to discern and confirm.
P.S. i’ll have more to say later about getting to know the Mother beyond goddess and universe-based spirituality. it’s been nice to channel at length on inner union with Father God and connect with women called to Him without feeling compelled to mention Her any more than happens naturally. placing God’s will for what to publish here first as always.