Supernatural Faith and Miracles

experience is the best teacher.
five years ago, i didn’t believe in having psychic abilities until i picked up a crystal and it started to pulse in my palms.
i couldn’t understand how tarot could be linked to anything but random probability until the cards started to describe and predict my life.
i didn’t think it was possible for my vision to be restored, after two ineffective surgeries and two years of daily therapeutic exercises. until one day when i asked an angel to heal me while i was meditating, and it happened. i felt an undeniable tug on my lashes, shifts and pops in muscles and bones…
and when i opened my eyes i had a whole new dimension of sight. normal to most, but completely novel and mind-blowing to me.
it was a literal ‘seeing is believing’ moment.
i stayed in this new embodiment for two days. then my vision reversed itself, and i had to come to terms with the fact that not only was something like this possible, but now it was my duty to seek out the metaphysical truth behind this experience. i was called to study and understand the substance of miracles.
before all this happened, i was barely alive, depressed and suicidal until the supernatural sparked hope in my life. i couldn’t rest until i found answers– and between religion and the new age, there was a lot to research.
after much seeking, the truth my heart settled into was simple. i came to know the multidimensional power of Father God and the Christ Logos. my body was filled with the flaming devotion of union with them, beyond anything i’d ever felt in the physical. i remembered my cosmic feminine essence, made from the love of the Holy Mother and the wisdom of Sophia. and i began to reclaim my intuitive gifts and timeline from the entities who rebel against God, supporting others to do the same.
today, i am integrating new ordained powers and senses that stretch my belief in what is possible yet again… and being asked to step into a realm of Kingdom glory that is further elevated still.
supernatural faith in God expands through experiencing His supernatural works… one wonder at a time, until every breath is drawn in determined trust in the impossible.