Your Success Is Your Succession

though we think of them as separate concepts today, the etymology of the word ‘success’ traces back to the exact same origin as the word ‘succession’.
succēdere (v., Latin): to ascend or come from under, to inherit or claim heir to, to step into a position or office, to follow in order.
our mainstream idea of success is a climb with no real destination. goals are met and new ones are set. productivity is achieved by cutting corners in peace. happiness is always just out of reach, at the next milestone or higher accomplishment.
as women seek this abstract ideal through the collapsed structure of the fallen timelines, they push themselves through never-ending objectives with ‘type A’ control and hustle, leading to burnout.
what we endlessly strive for with success is really our succession back to a place that has always belonged to us— our royal position in the Kingdom of God.
succession is not just waiting for eternal life to return… it’s claiming our birthright to reign on Earth, being refined at a soul level to become worthy of immortal power in this lifetime.
it’s not just seeking greatness or recognition… it’s training for supernatural excellence and mastery in the specific purpose that we were made for.
it’s not just getting next-level results… it’s taking up the greater responsibility that comes with greater reward, acting with higher authority to return Divine Justice to the world.
when the feminine realizes that success is inherent and intrinsic to her pre-destined role in the Kingdom, she steps off the infinite ladder of self-defined achievement to co-create with God’s plan for her succession.
she receives her next steps through the Living Word seeded by the Father into her daily life, with cosmic guidance and direction coded into every moment.
she refines the gifts and skills needed to steward her dreams of union and family, service and business, home and community, wealth and resource.
she releases forced effort to honor her flow through the phases of initiation and integration required to grow.
she stops thinking about what she ‘should’ do to be successful… to start tuning into the ways that God is already preparing her for the throne.