Reign of the Royal Daughter

the Daughter of God essence within all women— some know her as Sophia, the Spirit of Wisdom—
was not made to usurp the Father’s rule or compare her authority to Christ.
she is a true heir of the Kingdom, yet her birthright comes with uniquely feminine roles and responsibilities.
her womanhood was designed with specific missions and visions, skills and passions, encoded in the etheric blueprints of her soul.
interlinked with these templates is her dream life of higher peace, ecstasy, wealth, romance and more… but all this requires initiation into her devotional self.
there are rooms in her interior castle that only seeking for Truth can unlock, that only growing in Faith can upgrade.
to access her full inheritance of purpose and pleasure in this life and beyond, she must first embrace her cherished place in the Father’s heart.
she must accept herself as cosmically different from and complementary to Christ and the masculine, no longer coveting the throne of manhood as a substitute for her self-worth.
she must acknowledge her need for the practical, tangible leadership of Father God in every aspect of her life, distinct from abstract theories of connection with Divinity as Source, Universe, or Godhead.
she must alchemize her intellectual belief in the concept of God into experiential, mystic relationship with Him, fueled by daily supernatural encounters of His glory and love.
she does not have to lose the soul knowing of her femininity as magical and multidimensional to do this, or let go of her bond with the Mother— but she also cannot use these facets of her faith to bypass or avoid reunification with the Father.
as the Holy Daughter reclaims her crown through cosmic devotion to God, she gains the authority to reign from her inner union and co-create Heaven on Earth.
she becomes the embodiment of Love and Wisdom, aligned with Law and Truth in sacred marriage.
from this space, surrender and sovereignty merge together into simple, effortless feminine power.