The End of Setting Boundaries

when a woman is centered in her inner union with God, she doesn’t need to set her own boundaries. it is no longer up to her linear mind to analyze if a friendship or relationship is good for her. instead, she downloads real-time direction from the Father to discern who and what she is available for. she follows His Will to structure her soul connections and accesses His Intelligence to understand the multidimensional context behind each interaction.
in times of conflict or division, she feels any energetic wounds that are triggered and heals them with God. she keeps her focus on her peace and purpose, and doesn’t take it personally when other souls are used in warfare against her. as patterns of social trauma clear from her lightbody, relational issues are resolved or released with increasing ease and simplicity, for the benefit of all. her boundaries shift from a set of rules that must be reinforced to an embodied flow state, where she can invest or withdraw her time and attention as guided, adapting with elegance and grace.
as her spiritual health and authority increases, the feminine reaches a point where her timeline is no longer compatible with cycles of social rejection and betrayal. she can remain grounded in the Kingdom within, inspiring others to join her without leaving her castle. her life is filled with rich passions and assignments that keep her too busy for drama or distraction. her standards for access and intimacy rise naturally, to align with mutual exchange of honor, respect, and value.