My Encounter with the Holy Parents

i stopped saying Mother-Father God last summer, when i began to experience my Holy Parents differently.
the hyphen broke apart in my mind when i started to go through mystic initiations that taught me how distinct and individual they are, even in their unity.
my Father came to me as glory fire… passion and devotion sparking through the body, awe-inspiring strength igniting the air with majesty– all power and presence.
my Mother came to me as living water… etheric currents flooding the room around me, waves of tenderness filling the space between molecules– all depth and essence.
just like with my earthly parents, i found that i didn’t want to treat them the same. i needed love and support from both, yet this naturally emerged as different forms of connection.
i needed to receive the Cosmic Masculine… leadership, protection, structure, order, provision… and because of that, i had to invest time and energy into cultivating a relationship with my Father, going beyond religion to make room in daily life to pour out my heart to Him and listen to His in-depth responses, surrendering to His guidance and authority in order to be set free multidimensionally.
i needed to embody the Cosmic Feminine… insight, grace, inspiration, flow, magic… and because of that, i had to learn to experience my Mother effortlessly, going beyond spirituality to rest in Her unfolding secrets without any practices or rituals, trusting that my expanding love for Father God would unveil Her to me on a brand new level, as they ultimately reside in Union.
through devotion to the Father, King, and Lover, i was able to return to my true feminine nature… and my Mother could make herself known to me as She really is, not as i thought She had to be.
and so, as i submit more to Him, i am filled more with Her, and the revelations continue… in the mysteries of hierogamy, which are the mysteries of eternal marriage, which are the mysteries of our Origin.