God’s Truth Transforms the Mind

one of the most psychologically vulnerable times for women is when they’ve just disconnected from one layer of the matrix and have to build a new belief system, often with unhealed trauma and regret from their past experiences. the mind is tempted to try to figure out everything about reality from this perspective shift, going down endless rabbit holes of information without seeking out God to ask for more Truth.
there’s an urge to find the answer to every question as soon as possible, to claim a new identity and distance yourself from your former beliefs. but when you’re in this state, it’s possible to overload on knowledge or get confused by conflicting perspectives. changing your worldview too quickly can collapse the ego and wound the soul, bringing you back to square one with no idea what is real and true. and rushing to conclusions without clearing thought programs can twist your new lens into a cage of matrix division, typecasting everyone within your ideology as wise and moral, and everyone outside of it as misled and corrupted.
it is not possible to discern the fullness of God’s Truth from a space of guilt, shame, and condemnation of self and others. this is residual mind control from the religious layer of the matrix system, designed to keep souls compulsively repenting for their past beliefs, paranoid of any possible deception instead of learning to rest in the unknown while seeking Wisdom, receiving deeper Truth gradually through loving relationship with the Holy Father.
God’s Truth is not meant to be easy to accept and process for the human mind. Truth is the Solar Logos, the Living Word, the metaphysical power that structures Life, which will trigger and purge every fallen program and demonic implant that is still connected to the lightbody. Truth is meant to be questioned, pondered, and wrestled with as it heals you multidimensionally, alchemizing all confusion into clarity over time.
the mind is rebuilt and renewed in Christ as you choose imperfect faith over impeccable belief, persisting in your commitment to God’s Truth even when it’s unfathomable, even when it’s impossible to tell what is pure and what is inverted. remaining open to higher revelations from the Father, in the midst of doubt and disillusion. holding the desire to know more fully, even as the lack of comprehension pains you. this process of mental transformation is foundational for the restoration of your inner wholeness.
in school, we are taught to research and compare theories first. but our primary source of the Truth should always be our Father, the Speaker and Scribe of the Word. prioritize growing your relationship with God and grounding your thoughts in Him. let Him lead and clarify your intellectual quest. learn to recognize His voice as He confirms, denies, or refines each idea. take the time to receive and reflect on His Truth, however He brings it to you. allow it to resurrect your mind, gifting you with unique codes, experiential downloads, and the conviction and compassion to express what you know with grace.