A New Year’s Eve Prayer For Women

in this next year…
i pray that more women stop blaming themselves for the experiential tortures of life in the matrix system.
i pray that more women wake up to the reality of spiritual warfare affecting their perception of the world since birth… hardening their hearts, clouding their insight, and programming their minds to repeatedly choose pain until God breaks them out.
i pray that more women stop identifying as sinners and start recognizing sin as a state of living death imposed on a soul trapped in multidimensional slavery.
i pray that more women start remembering the inherent magic of their essence, not as a fallen feminine movement, but as the core of their supernatural design by the Father.
i pray that more women reclaim their intuitive and prophetic gifts from spiritual indoctrination and refine them to serve the Kingdom without fear of losing their righteousness in God or being forced to choose between faith and the supernatural.
i pray that more women embrace the roles of the healer, coach, oracle, influencer, priestess, and wayshower as specialized mission blueprints beyond marketing and sales… birthing both their free and paid offerings as sacred assignments of service inscribed into their souls.
i pray that more women are called to leave the battlefield and return to the throne room… gaining true eternal power and authority to succeed and thrive, win souls and change lives, and build the impossible with God. 🎉🌟