Feminine Business and the Call to Mission

i wrote and shared this message in my dreams the other night, so i know someone needs to hear it.
not every woman is meant to start a business, offer services online, or have a personal brand.
these are unique mission templates that will not bear fruit in your life unless they’re part of who God made you to be and how He made you to serve.
this is obvious to some, yet more important to hear than ever for others… because it can be easy to forget if your social media feed is filled with high ticket CEOs and boss babes 24/7.
it’s natural to feel inspired by women in online business and their soul-aligned lifestyles.
inspiration is both a feeling and an activation of creative energy in the higher dimensions, a spark of passion that can illuminate your soul purpose as it comes to life.
but it’s not always the same as being called to business as your specific career. it’s not always the same as being prepared by the Father to serve as an entrepreneur and guided by Him to start when it’s time.
the feminine wayshowers that inspire you can act as shining stars to re-center your soul compass. but you have to know who you are in God and what He has given you in order to tell how they connect to your personal mission.
what is it about that one coach or influencer that speaks to your soul? is it a pull to online business, or another blueprint turning back on?
is her expressive content energizing the suppressed voice of a writer in you?
does her engaged network of friends and clients resonate with your assignment to build a community?
is her successful podcast reflecting your gift for public speaking?
do her stories of life as a wife and mother clarify your union and family path?
is her wealth journey tapping into your desire to co-create abundant resources?
anyone can inspire you, but only God can reveal the full depth of your purpose and lead your steps to materialize it.
the specific gifts and assignments the Father encoded in you will unlock and upgrade as you grow in the skills and knowledge you need to serve.
no matter what your mission is, when God is telling you to do it, you’ll know.
embrace the inspiration, but wait for the call.