8 Not-So-Popular Takes on Supernatural Faith

we’re starting the year off hot with a transmission full of very specific perspectives! are you ready? here we go…
- choosing to believe in God does not disconnect you from the fallen matrix. committing to seek, love, and walk with God daily as He remakes you through the long-term work of soul healing and salvation does.
- eternal life is not a ‘wait until you die’ future reward. it is the dominion of God’s Kingdom in every part of society and the experience of Heaven on Earth here and now, which we all have a responsibility to lead and showcase for humanity through our lives.
- women don’t have to identify with an inner masculine to receive the masculine within. we can live from our feminine essence 24/7 and be supported daily with the Cosmic Masculine principles of structure, order, provision, and more through our interdependent dance of union and co-creation with Father God, Christ, and the Eternal Husband.
- the specificity of your theological and ideological beliefs is not an excuse to isolate yourself or war against everyone who thinks differently. your ability (or inability) to interact with others from pure love-of-neighbor without pointing fingers at the first sign of divergence shows your level of spiritual maturity.
- swearing off all new age or spiritual practices does not prevent you from doing biblically defined witchcraft. people of any faith can be used as portals by anti-life entities to cast black magic, curses, and other types of warfare through their own thoughts of scorn– this is how religious spirits work through many Christians to persecute souls and push them away from Truth.
- ‘too good to be true’ opportunities and solutions from God show up every day… and people dismiss, ignore, or decline them just as often because fallen consciousness limits what they perceive and believe to be possible. mindset work and affirmations are not enough to shift this– only the Mind of Christ can.
- recognition and honor are the two keys required to receive from someone God has appointed to bring you to your next level. disrespecting the people that He wants to use to elevate you or disregarding their anointed power will keep the door shut. (some sneaky, hidden forms of this: thinking that you don’t need anyone else because you have God, rejecting spiritual authority as a concept, treating your assigned Kingdom mentor as ~just~ a friend or sister/brother in Christ)
- 90% of life’s daily lows and tragedies are caused by internal separation from God and targeted spiritual warfare. as you address these two factors and heal the soul wounds they’ve left behind, you can gradually shift your timeline and raise your emotional baseline to experience stable, sustainable peace and joy… life as God always intended it to be.
these are all lessons learned from my journey with God over the past few years. there are plenty more, including some that may need to wait a couple years before we can talk about them on the internet! if you’ve been following along for a while, are there any that you’re surprised to see? if you’re new here, do any of them reflect your path so far?
as always, you are free to disagree. 🕊