How to Rebuild the Cosmic Body

what do exercise and energy work have in common? more than you’d think…
because the physical and energetic structures of the human body are linked. they are two intertwined layers of anatomy, made by God to function in harmony as one supernatural form.
the original, Edenic design of our bodies was sacred and sensual, pure and powerful, material and magical. but the fall of humanity altered our multidimensional genetics, so that both our physical and energetic vessels became weakened and compromised.
as a result, both have been wounded and traumatized in ways that overwhelm or shut down our innate self-healing abilities. both have been polluted by toxic substances and artificial implants that compromise our health and function. both have been unwilling hosts for hostile forces that influence our behavior and feed on our choices. and both require committed care and action to repair their organic blueprint of eternal life.
the multidimensional body always wants to return to wholeness, and will do so as soon as it has what it needs to rebuild. if we used an equation, it might look something like this: adequate nourishment (plus) an adequate catalyst (equals) restoration.
nourishment + catalyst = restoration
in the material realm, our nourishment is a healthy diet, and our catalyst is committed exercise. together, they can restore us to optimal strength, flexibility, and resilience. in the spiritual realm, our nourishment is union with God, and our catalyst is inner alchemy. together, they can restore us to organic ease, joy, and co-creation.
if every meal you eat is nutrient-dense, but your activity level is sedentary, you might not see much physical progress. similarly, if you’re using all the somatic and energetic tools without seeking the Father, things may not shift spiritually. but when you commit to each of these essential elements, and give both layers of your anatomy what is needed to rebuild over time… the body can return to complete multidimensional health.
my desire as a God-led healer has always been to put things right in the cosmic body, to restore His original design. consistent self-fieldwork has transformed my life by doing exactly that– removing the fallen curses, entities, and implants that were hiding in my lightbody to catalyze and accelerate the restoration of my supernatural health.
the next offering that the Father is birthing through me is a service system that makes this long-term process more accessible to everyone. it’s a remote healing subscription for ongoing alchemical support that easily fits into a busy, modern lifestyle. designed to progressively rebuild the strength and structure of the lightbody over time, it’s like a weightlifting program for your energy field!
we’ll be starting on February 1st– God will let you know if you’re meant to join us!
find all the details here.