Steal My Process For God-Led Creative Channeling

here is my personal process for intuitive channeling with God, in six simple steps. 🪄🎨✨
1. ask Father God, “what is the work that you’ve placed in my hands this season? what do the souls that you’ve brought to me need to receive next through my channel? what will initiate, nourish, and uplift them? how can Your Love sing through my unique gifts and creativity?”
2. live. receive. listen. download. experience. learn. experiment. grow. laugh. play. discover. get inspired. and document the sudden bursts of insight that come through— in notes, voice memos, sketches, diary entries, vision boards, whatever captures those small lightning flashes. this could progress over days, weeks, or months; trust your timing.
3. craft, build, and edit to bring what God has placed within you into form. imagine you are Michelangelo and this is your David. here, nothing exists but you, God, and timeless Beauty hidden in the marble. you can sense exactly how to pull the eternal out of your raw material. this is a deep flow state, where hours fly by as you cut and chisel with precision.
4. review your finished creation for full alignment with your mission and service assignments. are Truth and Wisdom present? is there a balance of clarity and kindness? does any part feel confused, missing, or incomplete? if so, set it aside and get back to listening and receiving.
5. when your creation feels complete, wait for God’s instructions on the best time, place, and audience to share. establish a studio or database to securely hold and organize all your projects, both finished and still in progress. (and never, ever, ever make a Big Tech social media page the only place you store your body of work!)
6. once you receive permission to share, post for immediate likes and applause! or maybe not so much– but know that doing the work that God made you for will always be rewarded by Him. heal any wounds around creativity, expression, validation, and worth. take a break and enjoy life for a bit. then, when it feels right… return to step 1 and start again.
bonus tip: if you get stuck at any point in this process, or keep hitting walls in your mind and heart… ask God to reveal the source of these blocks. let Him guide you to an appointed guide or mentor. work with them to heal your cosmic bond with the Father, free your intuitive gifts from chains of trauma and warfare, and upgrade the strategy for your mission.
your co-creative work with Father God becomes simpler and easier as you heal and move deeper into living intimacy with Him. the collaborative channeling process is streamlined and accelerated as you master your gifts and embody your purpose. it’s possible to download a full transmission in just a few minutes, see the visuals clearly in your head before you start creating, or dream the complete sentences of what you’re meant to say.
but at the end of the day, the work is just the work. messy and joyful, filled with mysterious twists and turns, demanding at times yet always fulfilling… and i wouldn’t have it any other way.