Feminine Faith and the Multidimensional Matrix [Podcast]
![Feminine Faith and the Multidimensional Matrix [Podcast]](https://sophianicmuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/sky-temple-multidimensional-matrix-canva-1136x763.png)
once upon a time, (eight months and one day ago, to be exact) i did a podcast interview with my dear sister-in-mission, Lisa Moriah of School of Divine Radiance. it was so fun, and so magical, and my lightbody actually started heating up mid-recording from all the highly activating codes coming through.
we were both so excited to get this conversation out to everyone as soon as possible. and then…. life happened, and service assignments changed, and once the interview was ready for release, God placed it on hold until just the right time to share. that time has finally arrived!
this is an *unpublished* podcast episode, so the only place to stream it is right here on the Muse Blog. a full transcript has also been created, for those who need or prefer reading over listening.
here are some of the show highlights:
— remembering our original design as sacred, Edenic co-creators, made to produce and enjoy Heaven on Earth
— understanding the matrix as a cosmic, multilayered system, and how it distorts our God-given life plans and purpose
— why inner union with Father God is less of an intellectual concept for the feminine and more of an embodiment/lifestyle, and where to start
— how Lisa Moriah and i relate to the Holy Mother as Father-exalting, Mother-experiencing mystics
— what soul wounds are, how they are created in our energetic anatomy, and why we need to work with God to heal
— the weaponization of concepts like sin and repentance in religion, and the distortions around warfare and manifestation in spirituality
— what easeful productivity, organization, and action are like for fully feminine beings in relationship with Father God
— how to discern false Father entities or programs from the true Living God while refining your faith and intuition
— realizing the higher purpose behind being ‘deceived’ in the matrix system and releasing regret and shame around your past beliefs
i’ve been away from socials for most of the month, going deeper into my personal temple with the Father, so this feels like a rich, deep resource for our community to process and integrate until i’m back.
talk soon!
Recorded on September 24, 2022. Minor edits have been made for clarity, formatting, and service updates.
[00:00:00] Lisa Moriah: And it is my joy today to have my dear friend, sister-in-mission, and my own secret weapon of healing, I like to say– Kiare Sophia with me on the show. Kiare, it is an honor to have you here today.
[00:00:21] Kiare: Thank you. It is an honor to be here and really just pick up some of the conversational flow that we’ve already been having and bring that to a larger realm, a larger audience.
[00:00:37] Lisa Moriah: Oh, totally. We’ve been prepping for this for a really long time. So I would love for you to start by sharing with us what you do. How you describe what you do, I think is going to be really instructive for everyone. It certainly was for me, because I don’t think there’s anyone else on the planet who does quite what you do. So what is that exactly?
[00:01:05] Kiare: So I have a service platform called Sophianic Muse, and it really is a space for women who are called to cosmic devotion with Father God, and with Christ, and with the Cosmic Masculine, which we call inner union. It’s that process of returning to all things masculine, all things Father, the King, the Lover within the feminine body, so that those high masculine principles, the provision, the safety, the structure, the wealth, actually come back into the timeline, into life itself. So right now, Sophianic Muse is very focused on inner union. It’s very focused on God relationship. It’s primarily commissioned and designed by God for women who are, I’d say, matrix aware in some way or another.
[00:02:05] Not in the sense of, you wake up, you recognize you’re in a matrix, you break out, and that’s it. But actually from a sense of having life experiences, really having a normal human life and waking up and realizing, okay, something is wrong here. Why is the world like this? Why is my life like this? Why are things not just… Edenic and perfect? And going through their own process of seeking for Truth, searching for Truth and coming to realize, recognize that there are multiple layers. You could say there’s a multidimensional system or architecture that is affecting humanity, connected to the fall of humanity. So the shift from Edenic, eternal life to just fallen death science. You wake up, you go to work, you come home. Rinse and repeat. Wasted a lifetime… or not wasted a lifetime, but you have spent the vast majority of your lifetime just trading time for money, just trading time for survival. Just worrying and stressing about the people you care about. Just hustling and working, trying to figure out, how do I make this dream happen? How do I make this goal happen? And feeling like it’s always out of reach.
[00:03:25] So the service platform is really for women who have, come to identify or break through some or multiple layers of the matrix. One of them being the religious matrix, the church matrix. Having those experiences with religion where you come to realize, ‘Okay, I’m praying, I’m saved, I’m going to church. Things aren’t shifting.’ Or having a similar experience with spirituality or with the New Age where you’re saying ‘Okay, I’m following the moon cycles, I’m manifesting, I’m visualizing, I’m doing everything that I can but something is still not working, something is still not shifting.’ And so the platform is really for people, for women primarily, who have come to realize, that missing piece is Father God and beginning to have supernatural experiences with God, where you’re able to actually start to connect with and feel and experience the love and joy and devotion of the presence of the Father pouring into your reality, your environment, pouring into your body. That is how it started for me.
[00:04:31] So it’s primarily for women who have broken through one of those layers of the matrix or just don’t feel like they fit into either religion or spirituality anymore. They’re choosing their own feminine mystic path. They’re choosing their own search and seek for Truth more than aligning or identifying themselves with any one community. They’re comfortable or getting comfortable with putting God and Kingdom first without letting that reduce them or making that their whole entire identity. It’s a lot of women who are connected to the Christ-Sophia space which is part of my realm, part of my position where God has placed me. Part of my assignment is this Sophianic Daughter of God essence, embodying and expressing that, returning to the Holy Daughter as a part of who you are.
[00:05:16] And so these women are often, always, I’ll say, always Father exalting and sometimes Mother experiencing, that aspect or that part of it really depends. Or sometimes if it’s not the Mother, it’s that connection with the Holy Spirit, it’s that connection with the Living Waters, or there’s just that connection with their own feminine essence as fluid, intuitive, magical, multidimensional and also connected to a sense of the cosmic world, a multidimensional world. Those energetic, invisible, etheric planes that are more sensed and felt and experienced than really able to see or notice, and growing in that awareness as well. Having that piece of the puzzle be part of what they experience in their daily lives, some of the supernatural experiences that they have or some of the supernatural intuitive gifts that they’re called to use.
[00:06:14] Lisa Moriah: Mhm, I love that. I love that so much and I really love your whole approach because it is Father exalting as you say, yet also Mother experiencing. And that was how I think you and I really started to talk when I reached out to you. It’s because I knew that you were devoting to the Father but I had seen you also post about returning to the remembrance of Mother as well. And I was kind of going through my own moment where I had had a coaching experience with a Father‑exalting coach, which was wonderful, and it supported me in many ways. And yet my coach and I sort of… we missed each other. We were like ships passing in the night. We missed each other…
[00:06:59] Kiare: Yeah, there was that divergence.
[00:06:59] Lisa Moriah: … on the issue. Remember, I reached out to you!
[00:07:02] Kiare: There was divergence there! Haha. Which is fine. It’s fine. One of, how should I say, one of the defining features of the Body of Christ is that it is a body. Which means that each body part is a unique position, it’s a unique assignment, it’s a unique function, it’s a unique perspective. So within the Body of Christ, there are all of these different perspectives and lenses that together form a larger… form the actual body and structure of the living Word and the living Truth. So it’s possible to have with another woman, another person. You could absolutely share, have no similar communities or experiences or beliefs in common. But you will arrive to, if you’re on your own path of seeking for Truth, you will arrive to a lot of those same conclusions, even if there are still very significant points of difference and divergence.
[00:08:02] So, with the Mother, it is really like being between a rock and a hard place because there are so many women who are breaking out of the New Age who are like, ‘No. Even if there is Truth in the cosmic and the supernatural, I know that I’m not supposed to be, I shouldn’t have to manifest everything in my life. I shouldn’t have to do a ritual to fix everything in my life. I shouldn’t have to be working with the universe every day.’ Which is, you know, alternatively, depending on who you ask or who you read or who you talk to about it, is either completely uncaring and neutral to whatever happens to you or fully loving and caring. But at the same time, on some level, we still have a ton of suffering here. So it’s not super clear how that works. With the Mother, it’s a very strong point of divergence because there are so many women who are breaking out like, ‘No, I am not aligned with goddess spirituality or universe spirituality anymore. I don’t feel like I should have to interface with the universe to get and have everything that I need.’
[00:09:15] And at the same time being, of course, pulled and called to that devotional exaltation and just pure love of the Father, which is just… once you experience it, you can’t go back. It’s a threshold that you cross. It’s a shifting point. It changes everything in life. And you just become so… like, life with God is so much better than anything else. You just look back and you’re like, wow, I was really doing a lot and nothing even really happened. So there’s that big shift right, there’s that big shift that happens of coming to actually shift your lifestyle into that devotion and starting to just live, wake up and live with every day with Father God.
[00:09:57] But with the Mother. Now also… Women who are having these beautiful cosmic, supernatural experiences with Father God… They’re also starting to have them with a Holy Spirit essence, a Living Water essence, a Cosmic Womb essence who isn’t quite the same as a universe or a goddess. I can’t say I’ve ever prayed to the Mother. I can’t say I’ve ever really…
[00:10:24] Lisa Moriah: Same here.
[00:10:24] Kiare: Because it’s beyond prayer. Because there isn’t work or effort needed to connect with her. It’s just an experience that happens. Probably my most, incredible, crazy one is when I was sitting in this room that I’m in now, which is just like our cute little sunroom. It’s like a living room. And I was just laying on the couch. I don’t even remember what I was doing. Probably just scrolling through social media or something. And all of a sudden I felt the entire room around me just fill up with cosmic, etheric water. Like one minute I was breathing air and then the next minute everything was water. And visually nothing had changed. And I was just like… I’m literally floating? It was like in the physical body, everything was the same. But then in the spiritual body, like I was just surrounded by the Holy Spirit, surrounded by the Waters. It was crazy.
[00:11:21] So having experiences like that have really put me in a position where, and continuing to deepen into my own inner union and calling with the Father, have really put me in a position where, I have a lot of empathy for people at any point and position in this path and in those different experiences. It doesn’t really offend me at all. Like whatever conclusion anybody has arrived to around the Cosmic Feminine as the Mother, the Heavenly Mother, Holy Mother. That’s part of what I’ve had to learn in going deeper with Her, without having to really do anything, is that it’s not about getting validation or affirmation of Her experience, or having to prove it. There’s an intentional veiledness and a hiddenness around Her and around the higher Cosmic Feminine principle in general because She’s not supposed to be idolized or worshipped in the way that the Father is. It’s not even necessary for the feminine because She’s so one with you, flowing through you, expressed through you into the world that it’s too close to even have to do anything like that.
[00:12:43] Whereas with the Father, there is so much work that we have to do within, the temple of the body, which I think we’re going to talk about. To actually do like, Yeshua, flick your whip and knock over tables and kick out the money changers and get all this stuff that is not of our original design out of the body, out of the feminine body. To be able to actually receive and experience him post‑Fall, returning from that. It’s a bioregenerative process going from the fallen state of humanity, which is mortal, to the actual resurrected Edenic state of humanity, which is immortal. Which is fundamentally the hieros gamos process.
[00:13:28] Lisa Moriah: Exactly. And I love that you bring all this up, because it does take us to exactly that topic that I think well, you and I have so many topics to cover, as we’ve already talked about would probably be a multi-part episode. But I wanted to start with the body exactly as you said, because probably a lot of women are listening to this episode and saying, ‘Oh, my goodness, this is amazing, what she’s describing.’ Or ‘Yes, I’m on this path of reunification with the Father, or I’m beginning to have those experiences around the Mother, but there are barriers. Why am I not having that experience in the body at the level that I want to? Or that maybe I hear other people speaking about?’
[00:14:14] And so that gets us back to God’s cosmic design for the body, which is a phrase that you used when you sent me notes. And this whole idea, I think we even need to unpack a little bit around the matrix, the multidimensional body, the spiritual body, kind of walk us through a little bit of the crash course of that worldview. Because it’s been extremely helpful for me in the work that we’ve done together. And I think a lot of women here, particularly women who’ve been following my work, are ready for that. But maybe because I’ve not received it in the same way as you, I haven’t explained it in the same terms.
[00:14:52] Kiare: Well, it’s helpful to just talk about it from a different lens, and a different lens, and a different lens until all those experiences and perspectives really synthesize into the Truth in your body. So we’re always going to be going over the same codes in a completely different, in a new way. That’s how we learn and that’s how we really integrate this from knowledge into actual embodiment for the feminine.
[00:15:15] So, yes, so I was going to say, in order to really understand what’s happening with the body, with life, the body and life have both really been compromised, hijacked and fallen. You have to go back to the matrix. And the understanding of the matrix is not just a… you know, it’s a system, it’s a multidimensional system. And just to really quickly, anchor in, to this work for people who might be listening from any kind of perspective, I’m sure that you can speak to this a little bit better than I can, but there is really a scriptural and biblical foundation for multidimensionality. So if you go back to Genesis before, in the beginning there was God. In the beginning there were waters. God separates the waters from the Waters. So you have etheric water or energy, plasma, the Living Waters of the Mother. And you have actual elemental physical water. There’s a firmament that was put in place to split heaven from earth. So we have physical architecture, which is everything sky and earth and below. And then we have the heavenly architecture, which is everything firmament, etheric waters and above.
[00:16:31] So funny, we were talking about Paul earlier, right. And the different perspectives. But I think it’s Paul who says that…
[00:16:39] Lisa Moriah: I was unloading about Paul. That’s what I was doing.
[00:16:42] Kiare: You were venting about Paul. You were like, this guy Paul!
[00:16:44] Lisa Moriah: I was.
[00:16:47] Kiare: So funny. But there is a… I’m not a scripture quoter. I’m not even allowed to share scripture on my work. But, there is a part in scripture where he’s saying, I don’t know what happened. I don’t know if I was in my body or out of body. I just know that I was taken up to the third heaven. And that’s where God showed me all these amazing things. So think about a third heaven. There’s a first heaven, a second heaven, a fourth, 5th, 6th, 7th. Can we go up to twelve dimensions heaven? So there’s a… just trying to interlace and interface some of the things that God has guided me to. Like just trying to really focus on universal Truth, but seeing how okay, there are ways that you can get into this from the scriptural lens. And then there are ways that you can get into this from the more ascension-centered, ascension-focused lens.
[00:17:41] So the matrix itself is a multidimensional system, which means it operates in the energetic realm and has consequences in the material realm. So, think about souls coming to this planet, right? The first thing that happens is you’re born, you cry. Birth is really traumatic for your mother most of the time. And you cry and you’re held and you’re fed. And that is your experience. So what happens is that, people on a physical level and on a soul level can be wounded. So there are physical wounds and there are soul wounds. So say as a baby, you cry and cry. Maybe your mother doesn’t hear you for 15 minutes, or 30 minutes, I don’t know. Maybe there are some studies out there that can tell us this is when the trauma happens, but that creates a soul wound. Like, oh, I’m not immediately heard. Like nobody’s hearing me. Maybe my needs won’t be met. There’s a traumatic experience that happens. And when that traumatic experience happens, it creates a soul wound.
[00:18:46] Now our energetic body is, you know, God made us in his image. God made us as good and wonderful, amazing, perfect. Like we’re perfected creations already. But the original design of the cosmic human body, the immortal human body has been shifted over to the mortal human body after the Fall. So our body naturally has a capacity for self healing. But that healing is compromised. That process is blocked in both the physical and the spiritual. So you can cut your knee and treat it, put on an antiseptic, clean it up, put a Band Aid on it, expect that it will start to heal itself. And the same is— there is a mirrored process in the energetic space. So we all have a physical anatomy and a spiritual anatomy, as above and below. And when there’s a soul wound created in your spiritual anatomy you should be able to heal it, like it should be able to heal naturally. However, there’s a compromise, there’s a block in that process, right?
[00:19:49] So we experience, first, a separation from our earthly parents. They can’t be there 24/7, they can’t read our minds telepathically and immediately provide what we need as soon as we need it. So there’s a disconnect there. There’s a soul wound that’s created there. And the same as, there’s a similar process in the energetic realm which is when we are separated from our Heavenly Parents, our Heavenly Father, there is that disconnect from immediate need, immediate provision, immediate wound, immediate healing that happens. And so the way that the matrix system fits into this, which is, it’s spearheaded by the fallen angels, the rebels against God, the beautiful, cosmic, celestial beings who were created and then chose out of their own free will to rebel against God and take their own power, have their own, make their own kingdom, so to speak. This matrix system then comes and places programs, implants, curses, black magic, artificial structures into the soul wounds themselves.
[00:21:05] So instead of having a soul wound, you know, you feel a wound. Well, you experience a wound. A wound opens up, you feel it, you process it, you heal it. And ideally, you would have a restored and healed relationship with your Heavenly Father. So you’re not just healing it on your own, but you’re actually like, ‘Okay, well, I’m supported, I’m loved, I know that I could heal this. The environment is actually safe for me to heal.’ That wound, it becomes an opening in the spiritual anatomy for all of these things that are not of our original design as God’s children to then, be stuck in and installed and begin to program and begin to operate.
[00:21:49] And this is what many people would know of or think of as sin. Anything that is not original to the organic design of the human body that has been placed in there or is now present there as a result of the Fall. And the matrix system that was created by rebels against God in order to function and operate, basically in order to siphon energy and power to sustain themselves without God. So we have a compromised spiritual healing process. We have multiple soul wounds. Our natural, just like in the physical, our natural energetic defenses, our natural energetic sovereignty, our natural energetic power, is largely turned offline or shut down or not operating at its full function, which would be fully empowered, divine co‑creators, made to commune together and create together and enjoy life for the rest of eternity is really the original design.
[00:23:02] Lisa Moriah: Yeah.
[00:23:03] Kiare: So, as more and more is installed into the human body multidimensionally as we grow up and become adults and start to live matrix life, essentially what is also compromised is our ability to co‑create our timeline with Father God. So the ability to, you know, have a dream, have a goal, have a vision, and receive that clear— have that also be a corresponding blueprint in the energetic realm made by God, with its own timing and its own steps for creation and implementation. To bring that from the spiritual into the physical. Just as God is a Creator using spiritual matter, and bringing it into the physical, we would be able to do the same thing or we would be able to experience the same thing as a co‑creation. Having that vision, having that dream, and having it come into form through our God connection and our God relationship.
[00:24:04] So there is actually a timeline. Our original ability to co create our timeline, our actual daily lives with God, is compromised when our soul wounds are filled with all of this energetic, spiritual warfare and fallen architecture within the organic design of the human body. So instead of being able to naturally co‑create Heaven on Earth with God, co‑create our Edenic existence with God, it’s like our divine co‑creative power ends up being hijacked and rerouted through the matrix system as its own energetic architecture. So instead of building on and with the organic masculine principle, the high masculine, Cosmic Masculine principle of architecture, which is part of God’s design for our entire realm of existence, we end up co‑creating through a fallen or artificial masculine architecture, or fallen, artificial matrix system.
[00:25:06] So the end result is a fallen timeline. [Let’s say] you have a dream in your heart to go and serve. I guess I’ll use my own life experience as an example here. I was so called to go and leave my office job and go start using my spiritual gifts, start serving and start impacting people and changing people’s lives. I was like, okay, I’m getting the really strong urge to do this, I’m going to do it, jump in. And what happens is like the nightmare version of that. I’m working and I’m serving and people are impacted but not making any money. My boss is a total, you could say narcissist, totally hijacked to blame and attack. Having clients come in and attack me and really not being able to even follow what is supposed to be, quote unquote, my mission, or even have a job that’s supposed to be, quote unquote, outside of the matrix, still experiencing the matrix timeline itself. And to go off of that—
[00:26:14] Lisa Moriah: I can relate.
[00:26:16] Kiare: Yes, yes, yes, and it applies to everything. Even in my office job, it was basically for me, jumping from the, what is it? Frying pan into the fryer. Because I was experiencing the matrix timeline in a really terrible way in my office job, just going to work, having a creative position, copywriting, which I know we both shared. Just feeling like my soul is being siphoned every day. Just watching people around me in the office constantly get attacked by CEOs, executive team, constantly having to do their work over. Just living in a daily existence of just stress and worry and anxiety. Getting money and then immediately having it flow out of your wallet towards whatever the next emergency or crisis is. Or just not being able to even save, really. Or spending it in a way that doesn’t create any or produce any wealth or investment for the future. All of that.
[00:27:09] Just getting to a breaking point, like I literally can’t take this anymore. And trying to leave, jump out of it, shift into something else, and then experiencing just the same matrix timeline, the same timeline of attack through authority, attack through who you’re serving. Attack through the finances, not being able to collect and maintain and build finances. Attack through fundamental safety and security. I had such a terrible experience with racism, sexism, all the isms that you name up until I was delivered from it. All of this stuff is the hallmark of having a timeline that is secretly, energetically, being co‑created through these programs that are installed into your field.
[00:27:59] And the way that it operates is it’s like a reverse engineering of God’s original soul blueprint for your dreams, your mission, your union, all the best things that you’re here to be and embody and do and co‑create for others. So in my experience with my work, what I’ve noticed with myself as well, the biggest mission assignments are the ones that are the most hijacked and just totally cursed and attacked. The women who have the biggest callings and missions around union are the ones who go through the most trauma with union. The ones who have the most toxic, abusive relationships or the most, experienced even with their true beloved, the most loss of passion, loss of romance, loss of that eternal fire, spark of eternal fire that keeps their union alive. And the women who have dreams and callings around family, they’re the ones who are having such a hard time finding their beloved before the biological clock runs out. Or they’re the ones who are experiencing, if they have their family, maybe they’re experiencing an actual split or separation with their counterpart. Maybe their children are being hijacked to attack them or fight them or disagree with them.
[00:29:21] So it operates in such a twisted, and distorted way. Like it’s always a twisting and a distorting of the original design. And there’s always warfare. It’s a spiritual war that is happening against the human collective and against each of us as individuals, our individual mission and purpose in God. So there is the process of actual multidimensional healing, cosmic healing that is God‑led. Cosmic healing with God is actually a process of inner healing, where you’re actually going in with God and you’re identifying these soul wounds where the enemy or the accuser has been allowed to attach these things into you, partially. Not through your free will, but through the manipulation of the principles of free will and through the manipulation of how God is not allowed to go against our free will. And actually going in with the Father and taking those out, removing them, clearing them, healing them.
[00:30:22] That really traumatic incident that happened to you in middle school that you’ve never told anybody about. Or maybe you shared it with your therapist and really hashed it out, and agreed that the other person was wrong, and agreed that it was connected to your dysfunctional attachment to your parents. But that didn’t actually shift or clear the patterns that were installed into that soul wound. So what actually happens is you tend to then experience, there is a co‑creation with the matrix. Like, the matrix pulls out the knowledge and awareness of that wound in you and creates another experience where the same thing will happen with a different person, in a different environment, with a different situation, where the patterns themselves are actually starting to— it’s like a rewrite of your life story. Instead of it being the story and the narrative, you know, happily ever after that God wanted you to have, it becomes, it’s just, here’s another traumatic theme. Here’s the same traumatic theme. 50 pages later, here it is again.
[00:31:26] And so many women are just so absolutely devastated by this. It is heartbreaking. And these are spiritual assassination attempts. When someone is sent in to break your heart and devastate you. When someone is sent in to be your friend, and love everything you do, and overnight they just flick a switch and they absolutely hate everything about you. Those are spiritual assassination attempts. Even the day after day, week after week, month after month, waking up and going, ‘Okay, when am I ever going to get to follow my dreams? When am I ever going to get to live my purpose. I don’t have the money, I don’t have the resources, I don’t have the platform. There’s so much that I don’t have.’ Maybe I don’t even have a home, or maybe I don’t even have stability in my health. Just constantly attacked in my life and constantly attacked in my body. And it’s a repeating timeline loop. The wound doesn’t heal and the traumatic pattern is repeated in the experience loop.
[00:32:26] So the actual process of cosmic healing or multidimensional healing is actually working with God to come in, shift and remove those things, take them out, so the soul wound can actually be restored and replenished back to your original design. And continuing to do that, it’s a long‑term process and it’s a permanent process. Every soul wound that’s healed is permanently healed until you can get to the point where your spiritual anatomy is fully operational, it is fully back online. And you can start to then step into a realm of, you know, start going from just surviving to thriving. Start to be able to go from glory to glory with God and actually reach a level where you do have, energetic sovereignty, where you do have the spiritual power and the influence to then intercede and deliver others in the mission work that you’re assigned to do here.
[00:33:14] Lisa Moriah: And it’s amazing, as I can attest from having gone through this process, continuing to go through this process, how much it really does shift things, especially if you do it consistently over time. And I already, before I met you, believed in this idea that, there’s these openings, basically, and these different entities are able to enter and cause havoc. And that I was carrying all of that in my body. So I had done a lot of work around that. That’s obviously part of the work I do as well. But when it gets to that multidimensional realm or that area really, around the energetic fields and all of that, it’s very helpful to have someone like you who is skilled at doing this.
[00:34:10] And I love that you do it from devotion to Father, but with an awareness of Mother. Like for me personally that I think has brought a lot to the process. Because there’s something there around that acknowledgment that I don’t know. I don’t want to say that it brings an extra layer of power because Father is power, but there is something about that fact that you’re bringing that union into the work that you do that makes it very different than going to the typical person you might meet online who calls themselves an energy healer or believes in multidimensional healing. At least it has for me.
[00:34:52] Kiare: Well, and I would say that, it is a process that everybody is trying to do, like the body is always trying to get back to this healing, this restored wholeness of the spiritual anatomy, restored wholeness of the energetic architecture, actually being in God’s energetic system for co‑creating life. But it just hasn’t been possible because of this cloaked, hidden warfare and interference. There’s so much of the mainstream spiritual communities and conversations who are still either stuck in a place of, you know, ‘There is no evil, there is no fall, there is no warfare. You just gotta, just manifest your way out of it.’ And then there are also people who are acknowledging, like, ‘Yes, there are evil entities, there are beings who don’t have your best interest in mind, but they’re really just a reflection of who you are. So you’re really them.’ And that… haha.
[00:35:51] Lisa Moriah: Yeah… wow.
[00:35:55] Kiare: You know, just like there’s been a weaponization of the image of God, the Father Himself in religion. There’s been a weaponization of internal healing, internal deliverance, deliverance and salvation from sin. There’s been a weaponization of that to keep us all in programs of shame, programs of self‑degradation, programs of denying that you even have desires or dreams or wants. Like, ‘No, I just want God.’ Haha. I don’t know about you, but my joyful, passionate, devotional experience of God has not stopped me from wanting things in life because my God is a Creator and I’m made in his image. So, of course, I desire to create the dreams and the visions that have been placed in me.
[00:36:37] But, there has been a real, as well, weaponization of the fact of multidimensionality itself and a real weaponization of the supernatural gifts that God has given us. So there are plenty of people out there who have that knowledge and awareness, who have had the undeniable experience of the energetic, the ethereal, the multidimensional and supernatural, and have had the undeniable experience of their gifts spontaneously activating and turning on, supernatural gifts, intuitive gifts. But because there is still a spiritual anatomy interface with the matrix, the end result is that all of your work to do the shadow work, do the energetic healing, do the multidimensional work, then becomes compromised or just looped back into the matrix. To the point where you’re doing shadow work, it’s still not healing. You’re doing EFT, still not healing. You’re doing reiki, it’s still not healing. But really— what’s the word— the breakthrough has to come from… Well, I’ll say most women have experienced that the breakthrough in their inner healing process comes from starting to develop that inner union with Father God. Because Father God, He is the Creator, He is the power, He is the original architect of reality and creation itself. So as you’re returning to Father God, you’re also returning to your original architecture of creation, both internally with the body and then externally with your life.
[00:38:12] Lisa Moriah: Yes. No, totally. It is such a game changer. I’m sure you hear this from women all the time. I certainly hear it as well. Exactly what you just mentioned. ‘I’ve been doing the healing work. I’ve been doing healing work. I’ve been doing shadow work. I’ve gone to every sacred thing that’s ever come across my path. I’ve been doing this work for a long time, but I’m just not seeing that breakthrough.’ What do you say to women in that moment when you hear that?
[00:38:46] Kiare: First of all, if there’s any discomfort with ‑not‑ doing anything, really face and clear and heal that. Because another— well, how should I describe this? So there are two modes of being that the feminine ends up in when she’s in the matrix. Because the feminine is designed to… you know, she is a receiver and an amplifier. She’s softness, she’s tenderness, she’s creativity, she’s intuition, she’s fluidity and she’s flow. So when she’s co‑creating with an artificial masculine [system], the end result is you have a feminine being who is made to flow and receive, who’s actually blocked from flowing and blocked from receiving. Or what she flows into is warfare. And what she receives, is lack. So there is a… coping mechanism. The coping mechanism is either to try to hustle, work, and do your way out of it, or just to give up and fall into despair and not really… just surrender to like, this is just how life is. Life is just hard. Like, I’m always just going to have to work. This is just how things are going to be.
[00:40:04] So the breakthrough is to start understanding, first, that you are never made to create anything or do anything by yourself. All of life is a co‑creation between the feminine and the masculine. So there is no pathway to feminine solo creation, or feminine solo manifestation, you’re working with masculine architecture where you’re working with the masculine principles. So first of all, let go of all this pressure that you placed on yourself as a feminine being to do and force and figure out and fix and make things happen when that isn’t even how you were designed. That’s the first thing.
[00:40:45] The second thing is to start to recognize and understand yourself as a cosmic human being, as an angelic being who is here with a God‑created blueprint of mission assignments, union, gifts, passions, templates, dreams, and visions that has been attacked and compromised. So starting to recognize and acknowledge that there is warfare against you, spiritual warfare, and warfare against every single being on the planet, to keep humanity in suffering and to keep humanity from returning to eternal life. That’s the second thing.
[00:41:26] Because a lot of women, you know, there is all of this shame and guilt and doubt and self‑blame about not being able to shift things, not being able to make things happen like that super shiny Instagram coach with the seven figure business. But you have to understand that everything is dependent on the co‑creational system that you are connected to. Everything is dependent on the actual function of your energetic anatomy. Everything is dependent on your actual ability to co‑create which is a birthing process for the feminine into the timeline. So starting to recognize that spiritual warfare has blocked and reverse engineered and distorted your inherent ability, your inherent power to do those things. Stop placing this burden on yourself. You were never made to do it by yourself. You were never made to do it alone. And once women really internalize that, it lifts off so much pressure.
[00:42:25] And the other thing really is to start to internalize and download again the fact that your soul is inherently perfect, your body is inherently perfect. The way that you were designed— you’re a creation of God, you’re a daughter of God— is inherently good. That is the number one thing that religion has tried to take away from us, has tried to put us into. Tried to make us believe that the hidden programs and warfare, implants, entity attachments, all of that. They’ve tried to make us internalize that as part of who we are, or as part of what human nature is, which is not the case.
[00:43:06] The part of you that just wants to live and love people and enjoy your life, that’s who you really are. The part of you that is called forth to go off on somebody or be savage— we’ve been talking about that a lot lately— or the part of you that is… the part of you that is traumatized and reactive because you’ve been living in a war every single day of your life. That’s wounding in you, that’s programmed in you. That is stuff that actually needs to be healed and restored and removed. That’s not part of your personality. That’s not part of who you are. That’s not part of who the feminine is. With the caveat that there’s a sacred and holy feminine that’s light, and there’s a sacred, holy feminine that’s dark. But evil is not an inherent part of human nature or the feminine itself.
[00:44:00] So disidentifying yourself with evil and then being able from there to move forward. Start to explore inner union with God which really can be just as simple as ‘God, I feel like I don’t know who You are outside of religion. I feel like I don’t know who You are outside of spirituality. Can You just start to reveal yourself to me? Can You just start to help me clear out whatever is blocking me from being able to perceive You as this powerful, joyful presence in my reality? Can you please just start to help me recognize what is false Father or artificial Father and what is actually You. Because I need the truth of You, and I need the reality of You with me as a living Presence every single day in my life,’ to then be able to heal, to then be able to restructure and start to actually experience those high masculine principles of provision and protection and safety and organization. Oh, my God, like I am so organized at this point in my life….
[00:44:57] Lisa Moriah: Same here!
[00:44:57] Kiare: And it has taken less effort, less effort than it ever has. Like, if anybody had told me, no, you’re going to be, a calendar‑scheduling, budget‑purchasing, note folder‑making [person]. Like, I’m not a Type A person, I’m not a controlling person. Like, I’m the most fluid and flowing that I’ve ever been and have. All of this structure that is just, you know, the instruction is placed in me. You need to organize this. The motivation is placed in me. Here is the energy to do it. The clarity is placed in me. Like this is that next action I need to take to support my service platform, this is the next action I need to take to become the healer I need to be to serve my clients and my muses. That is all given and provided to me. And then I can take that, and then from there, take action. From there, make a move. From there, bring in, like do my part, which is really 90/10 for the feminine and Father God. 90% of it is Him, and 10% of it is me. It’s like the ultimate boss babe delegation. I just get what I’m supposed to do, and I do it. And I can do that while staying in my 100% feminine essence and continuing to return to more and more of my 100% feminine essence through the healing and restoration of the spiritual anatomy.
[00:46:25] Lisa Moriah: No, totally. And it’s so amazing how that happens. Because when someone tells you that and you’re still stuck in the old loops and traumas and patterns, it can be very irritating almost, to hear that. I used to think, ‘I don’t want to hear a woman talk about how organized she is and yet relaxed, because it’s not that way for me.’ But now, being in a similar state in my life, it really is exactly as you describe, one hundred percent.
[00:47:00] Kiare: It’s impossible through your own effort. It’s impossible through your own goodness, through your own works. Like, it’s only possible through grace and love and devotion.
[00:47:08] Lisa Moriah: It is. It is but like, I think the thing that really has shocked me about this process is it just happens. The deeper the union, the deeper the penetration, the more full the integration of the union, the more these structures just become, I don’t know, a part of you in your life. They become a part of you, and they don’t feel like work anymore, and they don’t…
[00:47:36] Kiare: They’re actually built into your reality, like they were always meant to be.
[00:47:39] Lisa Moriah: Exactly. Exactly.
[00:47:40] Kiare: It’s not like, oh, how do I make myself motivated? How do I force myself to get organized? None of that. All that is gone. All that is cleared up.
[00:47:49] Lisa Moriah: It’s totally gone. And that leaves you a lot of energy for other things, for being in that relationship, for bringing through whatever, exactly.
[00:47:58] Kiare: Yeah. Being, enjoying life, having dreams, having visions, pouring into the people around you, pouring into your relationships, pouring into your union, pouring into your family, pouring into your community, doing things that the feminine actually likes to do.
[00:48:14] Lisa Moriah: I know, right? The things that we like to do. Returning to that original state. Yeah.
[00:48:20] Kiare: Like wow, who even knew that was possible? Yes. And I think another really important disclaimer to bring up is that you have to be… Like, none of my work on inner union, I’m never bringing it through from a place of, oh man, I really need to convince people they need to start talking to God. That is never the mentality, because that’s not possible. If you don’t hear and feel and experience that calling or have that experience with the Father. Not just, like, you don’t have to have the same supernatural experience of Him like maybe a lot of women who are currently serving in this field do, who are helping their clients to heal from inner union. But you do have to feel, that inner curiosity, that inner desire to get to know the Father, that inner desire to clear and heal out any religious trauma, any New Age trauma that is, blocking you from really being able to get into this cosmic devotional state because it really is, it’s embodiment and it’s lifestyle.
[00:49:22] [It’s not like, for example] ‘I read all these posts on Instagram, and I just reread them, and I come back to them, I save them, I reread them, and I just have to get this. And once I get this, I’m going to have it.’ It’s not like that. If you don’t have an organic inner calling to inner union, then by all means, please don’t force it. Your path to inner union is not going to look like anybody else’s. So if there is any way that you are, trying to force yourself to resonate or force yourself to align, or just kind of force feeding yourself the media until it sticks, or, even hate reading or hate watching, it really is kind of just a waste of time. Not to be like… you know, and I’m not even trying to throw shade right now.
[00:50:10] Lisa Moriah: No, I get it.
[00:50:12] Kiare: It’s like, you have to… This work that God has commissioned for me, it’s really only for women who have had those experiences that do spark the interest, spark the desire, spark the calling to know and to learn and to be more. So if you don’t have that, it’s just not going to be… I would really encourage you to go and seek whatever area in the Body of Christ you need to go to. There are so many people who are teaching and speaking and prophesying on this return to the Father that are from completely different lenses, completely different perspectives. So go where you’re guided and find that positionality that really works for you.
[00:50:57] And be honest and real with yourself about where you’re at with even wanting to connect with the Father, because you have to want to. It’s that ask and you will receive, seek and you will find. Like, if you’re not pulled or called to ask or seek and you’re just sort of gaslighting yourself into it intellectually or just because you feel like that’s the only way you’re going to, just because you want to be like this union priestess or whatever you want to be, just don’t force anything. Just don’t force anything. That’s what I would say. Just let yourself be where you’re at. Heal any wounds that that brings up. Like, just really be in your own present embodiment and in your own present journey.
[00:51:38] If you’re not into this multidimensionality thing, don’t go into it. Don’t stay there. If you’re not into the Mother experience, don’t go into it and don’t stay there. The whole function of the Body of Christ, the function of having this architecture and hierarchy of the Kingdom returning to life itself, like there’s something out there for every human being to support them in their path and their journey of faith and spirituality. So get in where you fit in. Find where you fit in, not with a community, but where your soul actually feels at peace and feels at ease with learning and receiving what you need to learn and receive at this point, this next part in your journey.
[00:52:23] Lisa Moriah: No, I love that and it is so important, because this is a very, I don’t want to say divisive area, but women who feel really called to reconnect with the Father, there is that strong call, even if they’ve resisted it for a long time, there will come that part. And then when people are not there, it’s not in their path at this particular moment. It’s usually very strongly, like, not there at that moment. And I completely agree, cannot force it.
[00:52:54] That being said, there’s a million topics, by the way, we could talk about. But one thing I would love for us to tackle still, yet in this conversation, we talked about the lower masculine or false masculine or a lot of these terms that get used where women are connected into a version of the masculine. But there’s a lot of labor, there’s a lot of work, work, work, but no result or a lot of struggle but the lack is what you get back from that. And a lot of these things that happen, or inorganic masculine, however you want to call that, when we are tapped into what is not the Eternal Masculine, this is what we get. And the interesting thing about that is a lot of women who have gone to church or synagogue or mosque especially and feel like they’ve been connecting with the Eternal Masculine, but there comes that moment where maybe they’ve realized all I’m ever getting is cycles of lack or there’s been a lot of struggle or there’s been a lot of this attack like there’s been openings for attack for these wounds, exactly like Kiare has been describing on this podcast.
[00:54:06] [They say] ‘But wait a minute, how can that be? Because I thought I was connected in,’ and I hear this a lot. I just heard this from a client the other day on a session. I just wrote about it to her in my notes back today, about the fact that so much of what we were sold, in a sense, as the Eternal Masculine is actually part of the system. And just because you’ve connected with a Father God figure in religion doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve actually experienced the Cosmic or Eternal Masculine. So can you kind of speak to that for a moment? Like, what do you typically see with women who come out of religious backgrounds who are wanting to genuinely connect with the true and living Father? But there’s that lingering fear of, like, but I had the Father connection, I thought, and there was no power, purpose, pleasure, protection, provision for me in that connection.
[00:55:01] Kiare: Well, so it’s interesting because what’s coming up for me is also… Because I do work more with women who are coming out of mainstream spirituality or have that sort of New Age trauma. And it’s like the two of them really come up for me together. So our organic and original relationship with our Heavenly Parents, or with Father God, is a part of our original design, our spiritual anatomy. And this is what I work on, in healing sessions. There is an actual, like, from the top of the crown, which is like your center of perspective, and belief, and also your mission. There is an actual God connection, which is like a thread or a channel that connects all the way up into God in the higher dimensions. So not necessarily that God is only in the higher dimensions, but our internal anatomy for connecting with the Holy Father, is a part of our spiritual anatomy that can be attacked and hijacked and disconnected as well.
[00:56:10] So the way that I like to, think about it is really through that more spiritual lens. Like to say, for example, that, say your supernatural gifts first come online and your channel. Like, your crown starts to be active and you start to experience and believe in the supernatural and say you’re out there and you’re like, okay, I’m going to astral travel, I’m going to meditate, I’m going to do whatever I can. I’m going to connect with my higher self. I’m going to connect with blah, blah, blah. And you go out there, you put your consciousness out there, maybe you’re still consciously in your body or actually, like, projecting out astrally and a being comes to you and says, hey, I’m your higher self. Or, hey, I’m, Archangel Michael, or, hey, I’m- I don’t even remember the names of these beings, but like, hey, we’re the Galactic Federation. We’re going to help you heal, save humanity.
[00:57:00] How do you know that that being is who they say they are? You’ve just started to use your… you’ve just turned on this aspect of your spiritual anatomy. You don’t even really know how it works, but you just know that it works. And you know that you can do this now, you’re excited, you want to explore it, you want to try it out. But how do you actually know? And this is the aspect of not just discernment that comes in, but also understanding the way that the matrix system is designed.
[00:57:25] So the matrix system is designed with the artificial distortions or replicas of the Heavenly Parents built into it. A false Father and a false Mother. So there’s a false Father in religion and there’s a false Mother in spirituality. And so you can start to activate your crown, your God connection, which is actually meant to connect you with the Heavenly Parents. You can start to activate your supernatural capacity and ability, but as soon as you go out there to try and connect and try to use it, you will start to… The first thing that will come through will be these entities that are like, ‘Hey, I’m the Father.’ ‘Hey, I’m the Mother.’ ‘Hey, I want you to go and build a temple for me,’ or whatever the case may be.
[00:58:10] I have a really relevant example, actually. There is, someone who I’m connected to, who I’ve been working with. She’s incarcerated and she had a spontaneous activation of her supernatural gifts where her clairaudience turned on and she started to hear.. But this was a very, um… this was not a great thing because what happened was… she’s in this situation, she’s incarcerated. She’s made choices in the past that led her to this point that were not the best choices and were not even necessarily one hundred percent her free will choices. There was definitely entity influence. There was definitely warfare attached to that. But as a result, there’s a lot of guilt, there’s a lot of fear, there’s a lot of shame, there’s a lot of regret.
[00:59:01] People’s lives have been really, were negatively impacted by what happened, the sentencing event itself. So she had this experience where, this was an experience with drugs, with synthetic drugs, contraband, where it actually… Which is a good thing to mention in general, that drugs, especially synthetic drugs, can affect, can actually wound your spiritual anatomy, wound your energetic body, your lightbody. Open up rips and tears, which then can lead more entities or more programs to come in. So what happened with her in this situation is that her clairaudience turned on and the first thing she immediately started to hear was, voices of entities, entities saying, you’re going to hell, you’re going to die. You’re going to kill yourself. And so she had to, well, it was really touch or go there for a moment with her because obviously she was terrified. These entities, were screaming in her ear day in and day out, just terrifying her. And she’s had to go through the process of actually, really figuring out very fast, okay, what’s the truth about faith, what’s the truth about spirituality, what’s the truth about God? Because the supernatural was no longer… it’s one hell of an awakening, so to speak.
[01:00:17] So she did have these experiences where this voice comes to her and says, ‘Hey, I’m God. I’m your Father.’ And of course, she’s like, ‘Whew, what a relief. After all these entities just attacking me, telling me I’m going to go to hell. I’m so happy to hear from you.’ And then the next thing that immediately, as she’s talking to this supposed God, what immediately happens, this God is telling her, ‘ You sinned. You can’t undo that. You can’t go back. You’re just so evil, you’re just such a sinner. You’re just so fallen. And there’s nothing that you can do, all you can do is, all you can do is repent. But that’s not enough. I sent my Son as a blood sacrifice, and he died. And it’s your fault. It’s essentially your fault.’
[01:01:06] So, it’s… the false Father entities, programs, systems, the defining characteristic of it is shame, guilt, regret and fear. And this is why you will notice with people who, you know, you can’t put in a box of all Christians or all Christ followers, all Christ believers, all God fearing, God loving people. It really does vary so much within those groups. Who are they actually connected to in terms of Father God? Is it Father God? Is it a fallen or false Father? And what you’ll notice is that often when there is a false Father hijacking within the person or within the larger institution or the community, it could be a community online or offline. It could be an actual church, it could be just an individual. There is this very strong focus on shame and regret and fear, and no talk whatsoever about the actual warfare that is not just coming from you internally. That isn’t a reflection of who you are, but actually the Fall of humanity as first of all, triggered by a fallen entity in the first place, a serpent. It’s a whole other podcast episode probably. But there is this very… everything becomes like, no matter where you look, all you see is and hear and experience is, ‘Oh, I was so wrong, I was so fallen, I was so sinful.’ Not recognizing and realizing that the only way that sin can operate, the only way that the matrix system can operate is to take and distort and to reverse engineer what’s real. So that is very important— what’s real and what’s true, the actual organic Truth, the actual organic Wisdom.
[01:03:02] So that is a very important aspect of when you’re developing discernment in your faith and in your spirituality and in your intuition, is to really look at and see and start to recognize, where are there programs that are still just trying to keep me entrapped in my own unworthiness and my own inadequacy that aren’t actually helping me to heal and grow and go from a place of just constant, constant, constant warfare to actually shifting into Kingdom victory and Kingdom dominion. It is a long‑term process. Persecution doesn’t stop. But you do actually get to a point where it is no longer relevant. It becomes almost completely irrelevant to you having the capacity and the power to live, and co‑create, and follow your mission assignments, and carry them out and make progress on your goals, and make progress on your dreams… that’s not dependent on how many times you pray, how many Bible verses you read, how much you work with the moon cycles, how many visualizations you do.
[01:04:09] Lisa Moriah: Totally. Yeah. When you said about guilt and shame, regret, it’s amazing to me that these are usually one of the hallmarks of religious experience that have caused women to walk away from the idea of God as Father. And I was sharing with the client the other day that in a sense, you were right to walk away.
[01:04:35] Kiare: Yes. I always say that.
[01:04:36] Lisa Moriah: Right. You recognize something was off, you recognize that something is very wrong. It’s interesting, even the whole doctrine of original sin, like in Christianity,
[01:04:49] Kiare: It’s been weaponized.
[01:04:51] Lisa Moriah: It’s been weaponized. And it doesn’t even— like the original Hebrew belief. As I was sharing with you when we were chatting earlier today about some of the discoveries I’m making around that, well, it’s not like I’ve discovered it, but just digging more into what was really there… It’s like that belief wasn’t there? The belief is more exactly like what you described earlier. That the soul, the human being. There is not the fundamental brokenness or the fundamental disease.
[01:05:19] Kiare: No, like, we were made in God’s image.
[01:05:22] Lisa Moriah: Exactly. That doesn’t even come in. That belief doesn’t even register. It’s overlays like that that have been so ingrained in us, that it’s hard to almost separate ourselves from those paradigms. But that’s where the corruption is, essentially. The cancer is in those patterns and in those systems. In walking away from what is obviously false, that’s a good thing. The challenge to do exactly what you said and this is, like, such a radical act is to actually go to God, it’s, like, actually talk to God, is to actually open up the lines of communication outside that system that told you how you had to do it.
[01:06:10] Kiare: Yes. And just do it. So the danger is always and, this is something I wrote a while back, but the most psychologically vulnerable time for a woman when she’s reevaluating her faith, her beliefs, her spirituality, is when she is just starting to recognize that she’s in a specific layer of the matrix and she’s pulling out. So when women are leaving religion, when women are feeling called to leave the New Age, leave spirituality. Because there is… the way that the matrix system operates, there’s multiple layers, right. There’s a layer of religion. There’s a layer of spirituality. There’s a layer of false union, fallen soulmate, twin flame. There’s a layer of social oppression, predator, oppressor and victim. There is a layer of financial poverty, financial dictatorship, domination, so on and so forth, right.
[01:07:10] So whenever she is pulling out of one of these layers of the matrix, there is a… what should I call it? It’s like a reloop program. Or like, they’re like, ‘Oh, no, she’s getting out, we’ve got to pull her in some other way.’ So there’s an attempt to hook her back in through her own condemnation of herself within that past layer of the matrix. So it becomes, ‘Oh, my God, I can’t believe I even believed anything about religion or believed anything about spirituality.’ It’s like a program that activates, that causes you to then internalize that layer of the matrix that you’ve actually broken out of and transcended as your own fault, your own mental failing, your own mistake, your own sin, when it’s actually like the sin itself is a system and a program for the collective capture and entrapment of humanity.
[01:08:11] It’s not just you, getting- well, it is deception. But the only reason that deception in that… The only organic allure, the only true allure of any layer of the matrix system is because there is a core of God’s Truth in it. So when you’re pulling out of religion and you’re pulling out of spirituality, you don’t then want to go into a place of, ‘Oh, God, I was so unworthy. I was so fallen. I can’t believe I even thought about that or believed it. I can’t believe I was leading people astray.’ Blah, blah, blah, blah. Right. You have to be able to recognize, like, ‘No, I was trapped in a system. I got out. But the reason I was called to that in the first place is because there was a core of Truth there. So what is the core of Truth that I gained from that? Or what is the core of Truth that all of the illusions and the distortions were constructed around. Can I find that? Can I hold on to that? And then from there, how can I move forward in conceptualizing my past?’
[01:09:16] Especially with women who have left both religion and spirituality. You have to recognize. You enter into it. You’re pulled into it. Like, every human being is searching for Truth. Every human being is searching for deliverance and salvation. As in, like, not wanting to suffer, wanting to be well, wanting to be happy, wanting everybody that they know and love to be happy, wanting humanity as a whole to be happy and sovereign and powerful and just co‑create our visions and our dreams. So that eternal, that universal seeking for Truth that has been hidden and has been distorted and has been wrapped up in all this illusion and deception.
[01:09:55] You have to recognize that your path, whatever layers of this matrix that you have broken through or that you’re now getting increasingly uncomfortable with, starting to pull out of, you have to be able to recognize, ‘Okay, I know that I was pulled into that. I was allowed to be placed into that, positioned in that for a season for a reason. I know that now it is time for me to move through it, move out of it for a reason. Can I identify… What is it about my organic soul blueprint, my organic mission, my organic gifts, my organic passions… What in that was I going in to retrieve, and was I able to retrieve it? Was I able to completely reverse engineer that layer of the matrix to get what I needed to get out of it?’
[01:10:43] Because if you can’t do that, then you’re just going to loop into another layer of the matrix, all the while blaming yourself for your past and not seeing that you’ve entered into a new layer.
[01:10:56] Lisa Moriah: Totally. And I think that is a perfect spot for us to take a break.
[01:11:04] Kiare: Yes.
[01:11:05] Lisa Moriah: There’s a lot to take in. this is super valuable. Honestly, if you listen to no other episodes of my podcast ever, this might be one of the most important interviews because I think these are concepts that so many people miss or just never quite get to. And this has been so hugely helpful for me in being able to break out exactly as you said, Kiare, without being just instantaneously relooped back in through my own shame or my own self‑judgment.
[01:11:38] Kiare: Right, and being able to pat yourself on the back for breaking through in the first place and recognize that now that experience has given you a level of mastery, a level of authority, to now deliver God’s breakthrough in that area through that, to get out of that system for other people. That’s really why God allows us to go through the matrix in the first place. We don’t all, like the people who have really big missions here to— sorry, I know that we’re wrapping up, but—
[01:12:03] Lisa Moriah: We really are!
[01:12:03] Kiare: But this is part of the transmission! I swear, one more minute, I’m done I swear. This is how it always goes. But, we weren’t just sent here to be perfect angels who never got wrapped up in sin, who never made a mistake and just came here and were like, ‘Hey, humans, just don’t sin, that’s it. That’s how you get delivered.’ And that was our mission. Like, no, we came here to— we actually had the soul wounding. We had the programs in us. We actually did those things. We actually thought that way. We actually experienced it so that we could then reverse engineer it and learn how to help other people break out. Okay, now I’m done.
[01:12:37] Lisa Moriah: Well, no, I’m glad you said that. That’s a great place to end because it’s exactly what I shared with a client the other day who basically asked me this journey that I’ve had to go on, particularly in her case with cult hurt and church hurt and some things along that line. ‘Was there any reason for this?’ And I’m like, ‘A hundred percent, you’re going to discover because you’re going to be called. You now are going to have authority in this area, [exactly as you said, Kiare,] to go and to support other people in coming back into that freedom that we were originally designed for.’
[01:13:15] Before we break, if someone is saying, oh my goodness, I must speak to this woman, I must have a session immediately, how can they find you? And what do you have on offer at the moment?
[01:13:28] Kiare: Okay, first of all, do what God tells you to do. If you have a hard time hearing the voice of God, discerning the voice of God. Ask for really big signs. Ask for something that is so obvious and so point blank that you cannot miss it. My home is online, Instagram. The @ is sophianicmuse like sophia and then n‑i‑c, muse. And then there’s also the same @ on Facebook, which is largely cross posting, and Twitter, which is my space to not say anything and just share pretty pictures sometimes when I feel like it, until that space is more activated a little along the lines.
[01:14:11] Working with me is all group distance healing for now. It is God-led energy work. It is interfaith. You don’t have to believe in the Mother. You don’t have to show up with any concept of really what multidimensionality is. Please just do as God guides you. And those spaces, those healing sessions are for women who are just getting their feet wet with inner union, feeling the call to cosmic devotion with Father God, and need the multidimensional support to start to clear out some of the warfare, some of the religious trauma, some of the spiritual trauma that’s been blocking that. And for women who have already had their own inner union anchor and crystallize, who are living a devotional lifestyle of experiencing the supernatural joy and glory of the Father, receiving his directions, receiving his instructions, receiving his clarity on their mission and their purpose and living that and following that. And for them, it’s really about shifting those last pieces of warfare that they have not already been able to clear through their internal healing, internal deliverance process with the Father, and helping them to shift and elevate their timeline even more. Cutting those last cords to the matrix so that they can start to live in an even higher level of Kingdom authority and Kingdom victory that God has actually appointed and authorized for them.
[01:15:35] Lisa Moriah: I love it, and I can personally sort of endorse your services because I use them regularly.
[01:15:43] Kiare: And it’s a great time every time.
[01:15:46] Lisa Moriah: It is, it’s so much fun. And my life always visibly softens and becomes more easeful and more abundant in Kingdom ways because of the work. And I really, really appreciate it because it’s reaching parts of my own energy bodies and cosmic anatomy and all of this that I don’t personally have, like, I have not been given that to do. And I really do think that God…
[01:16:16] Kiare: Gives us so much else to do.
[01:16:18] Lisa Moriah: I have so much else to do! And God gives us a combination of things that are our own gifts that we can do on ourselves, and there’s healing where there’s always baseline healing work that we can learn to do in ourselves. But there will come times where God is asking us to partner with various people. And so for women who are, it’s hard to find someone, who’s doing this work, as I mentioned earlier, who’s also coming at it from a devotion to Father aspect and surrender, and all of that. So I think this is just such important work and I love what you do.
[01:16:51] So thank you for joining us for this episode. Any of you who know how long my interviews usually are probably saw this episode and went, what? Double the usual time? But as you can see, this is a whole complete sort of space of things. So, thank you for joining us today. It was such a pleasure having you. Thank you for sharing from the well, the well spring. That’s the Mother, right. Thank you for sharing from the wellspring of wisdom that God has placed within you.
[01:17:20] Kiare: Thank you for having me, such an honor.