There Is No Kingdom Travel Without Kingdom Community

one of my biggest realizations from my recent staycation is that i am not really a solo travel person.
(which is surprising, since i love love love solitude.)
i haven’t been on a solo trip since 2016, and probably won’t go out of my way to make another one happen anytime soon.
i absolutely want to go all around the world, see everything i can see, eat all the good food, and have all the once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
and, i am soooo not interested in doing most of that by myself.
instead, it seems like the more beautiful new places that God takes me to, the more ideas i get for bringing along all of my loved ones and community.
i imagine…
how much my family would love it here,
which of my friends might come for an adventure,
what my soul sisters would feel in each space,
where my future husband and i could go together,
why the experience would be so perfect for my clients if i hosted an event for them at this hotel or resort…
and then, i remember the fine print.
i’m deeply aware of the restrictions on most people’s lives, where they can’t just drop everything to join me on a getaway.
financial lack and instability making it impossible to save for a cruise in a year or even know if there will be enough to cover next month’s bills.
restrictive day jobs and hustle-based careers where vacation days are limited and time off may or may not be approved.
spiritual warfare and lightbody wounds keeping the same traumatic patterns running no matter where they go, triggering drama and stress during trips meant for relaxation and bonding.
the worst parts of travel are often linked to the matrix system in ways that people mistake for bad luck.
think overpacking your bag and rushing to put on two layers of clothes over your outfit right before your flight.
or flying while you’re sick with blocked sinuses and having an eardrum rupture from the cabin pressure. (extremely painful.)
or going on a high-elevation mountain hike abroad without realizing you have asthma until you’re thousands of feet up, struggling for breath in the thin air.
all real, unfortunate events that happened to me in the past, connected to fallen patterns that needed to be cleared from my lightbody and timeline.
although travel is an essential part of my Kingdom lifestyle… it doesn’t feel completely right to me without community. and not just any kind of community, but true Kingdom community.
meaning, those who will come through and hop on the plane… who are also liberated and free from the matrix, healed and whole in body, soul, and spirit, sovereign and abundant at a level that they can fully experience and enjoy all of it together with me.
those who can hear Father God and follow His call across the globe to places where we are not just tourists, but also ambassadors of purpose… redeeming the lands and the grids, restoring the people and nations, evicting demonic powers and principalities from their governance of the regions.
i’ve learned from experience that if you are activated in your God-given purpose to liberate humanity, and have a lifestyle that involves travel, then you will be working on behalf of Kingdom community in some way wherever you go, on solo or shared trips, for business or pleasure.
there will always be mission assignments for the collective that can only be accomplished through travel, by the people who have been pre-destined by God to take them on. this is part of how He designed us, placing wanderlust in our hearts along with the unique soul templates for how we prefer to see and serve the world.
we may be asked to volunteer in the inner city at our destinations, sent out into the wilderness to work with the Earth, or given projects to progress in from our poolside cabana at the resort.
i’ve had to make peace with the fact that my biggest travel dreams can’t happen without carrying out my mission to liberate and expand Kingdom community.
because i’ll never be happy getting free from the fallen timelines alone, and reaching a higher lifestyle with God all by myself. (well, i would still be happy, but not as much as i would be if i could share it.)
i’ll never be satisfied by going somewhere magical on my own and just posting ‘wish you were here.’
i’ll always want to reach through the screen and take you with me.
i’ll never be okay with co-creating my Kingdom life and not bringing as many people as i can along the way.
because a world where only a few people can live however they want, and everyone else is stuck captive and unfulfilled in the matrix is incredibly boring… even if you’re one of the lucky ones.
solo travel doesn’t appeal to me as much as helping more people get free from the matrix system and access their next-level life with God so we can all go wherever we want.
because everything i have accomplished in my own process of cosmic liberation… has become a part of what i want to make happen for others.
i know that it’s 100% possible to have intimate, blissful, mystic encounters and experiences with the Father daily, because i’m living it. so i also want that for you.
i know that it’s 100% possible to have luxury trips and experiences drop in from God without ever having to think about logistics or finances, because i’m living it. so i also want that for you.
i know that it’s 100% possible to go from chronic mental illness and emotional breakdowns, to resting in peace and joy 24/7 and healing years-old soul wounds in minutes, because i’m living it. so i also want that for you.
God wants you to receive all of this even more than i do. so He is using every part of my life, including travel, to support you on your path back to the Kingdom.
i’m going to continue to work with my Father to co-create cosmic solutions that make it as simple and easy as possible for everyone to return to the Heaven on Earth life that is our birthright as children of God.
so we can all travel together and have our devotional galas and supernatural retreats and galactic tours and even more that can’t be imagined. 💓