You Have the Power to Break Spiritual Warfare

the other day, i had to stand against spiritual warfare in a major way with God to prevent a family crisis that was about to play out.
i spent the morning preparing to go to the emergency room with my mother, who had been in 12/10 level pain all through the night before.
she had gone to a specialist earlier that month for an ongoing spinal issue, and learned there wasn’t much they could do but give her opiates to manage the pain.
then, the meds stopped working, and her pain spiked to excruciating levels seemingly out of nowhere– days before the full moon, during the lunar window for heightened energetic attack and fallen timeline loops.
i immediately jumped into intercessory prayer with field healing and deliverance, binding and casting out entities amplifying her physical suffering, disconnecting her from the lunar matrix, and clearing contracts with illness and death from her lightbody.
i prayed and worked in the spirit on her behalf for the entire time that i was packing our to-go bag with meals and supplies and every minute of our drive to the hospital.
the shifts were immediate.
her pain went down from an 8/10 to a 3/10 in about 20 minutes, while we were still at the house getting ready to leave.
her presence of mind improved from complete preoccupation and distraction by the pain to being able to drive herself to the hospital.
by the time we pulled into the ER parking lot, she decided she didn’t want or need to go in after all, and would see her chiropractor (who happened to be right down the street) instead.
the chiropractor identified exactly what was happening physically to increase her pain so suddenly and made an adjustment that brought her level 3 pain down even further to a 2/1.
he also gave her the advice she needed to make an informed choice around more conventional healthcare in the future as guided.
the rest of our day was chill, pain-free rest for her and watching K-dramas together in bed. the next day was another low-pain day for her and she went back to working from home with minimal difficulty.
this was a major same-day timeline shift. but it wasn’t surprising to me, because it’s the second time that God has had me intercede and heal through the field for my family to stop a medical emergency in progress… and one of many, many times that i’ve spiritually supported them through the minor to major catastrophes that pop up during a full or new moon.
i’m not sure if there’s a nicer way to say this, so i’m just going to say it straight. (but please know it comes from nothing but love.)
if you are not fully informed and equipped in God and Christ to contest and overrule the consistent spiritual warfare sent against you and your loved ones, you will roll over and submit to these attacks as they come and eventually accept them as an inevitable part of life.
you will think of them as bad luck, or spiritual initiations, or the universe teaching you a lesson. but the reality is that entities take advantage of you not knowing how to assert your legal authority in the spirit against their illegal works in your world every day.
Yeshua died on the cross to give our authority back to us, but we do still have to learn how to wield it, and work to be promoted into the full Kingdom power He has delegated to all believers as their inheritance.
until you are able to cosmically reign and rule against them, fallen spirits will take every inch that you are unknowingly giving and use them as spiritual loopholes to get away with evil.
they will send in warfare campaigns to exhaust, confuse, and debilitate you, leaving you with no hope, clarity, or motivation to pursue your destiny.
they will program traumas and tragedies into your timeline that weren’t actually meant to happen and delay or detour you from God’s plan.
they will seed devastation and chaos through open wounds in your field and open doors in your life for as long as it takes you to find, heal, and close them.
many in the Body of Christ can recite that no weapons formed against them will prosper, but most don’t realize that they can receive the ability to stop them from ever forming at all.
Father God wants nothing less for you than a life of embodied Heaven on Earth victory and dominion. but He can’t make you believe in it and stand for it when you don’t see it yet in your reality.
He can’t force you to stretch and develop your faith, study and equip yourself in the supernatural, or command and declare what He has already promised for however long it takes to bring a shift.
you have to step into your role and responsibility as a priest and a ruler on the Earth.
you have to develop spiritual maturity to become someone who can handle higher levels of Christed power and authority.
you have to commit to inner healing and deliverance to restore the sovereignty of your soul and spirit.
you have to proactively enact and enforce the lawful will of God so that entities face immediate judgement and punishment for taking on a demonic assignment against your life.
you have the right to govern your reality and overrule spiritual warfare as a co-heir of the Kingdom.
you have the right to rebuke and cancel every ungodly season or situation of disaster, delay, and difficulty.
you have the right to shift fallen timelines and punish every force working against the Father’s plan and purpose in your life.
accept nothing less than destroying all attacks sent against you or anyone and anything under your stewardship with the full might of God’s justice behind you.