PSA: God Is Moving Through Cosmic Faith

the Body of Christ is bigger than Christianity.
mystics and intuitives are encountering the Father and coming home to the Kingdom in ways that don’t line up with the typical path of ‘repent, get saved, and go to church.’
healers and psychics who don’t yet personally know God are being initiated and trained through their activated spiritual gifts to serve as bridges and channels for His cosmic realms of revelation, healing, and deliverance.
our God is a supernatural God, with a special place in His heart for His children who refuse to dismiss or deny the supernatural, no matter how much judgement and persecution they get for it from both the religious and the skeptical.
the Holy Spirit can flow deeper and stronger through some who acknowledge that energetics, higher dimensions, and spiritual warfare are real and humanity has an active role to play in God’s plan to metaphysically redeem the universe than in many churches who teach their congregations to just praise Jesus and endure daily suffering until death or the rapture.
over the next decade, many lightworkers and spiritualists will be called into relationship with God in a way that elevates and empowers their cosmic path instead of collapsing them out of it. the Father will confirm to them all the ways they were right about the supernatural, without condemning them for exploration of the occult or unknowing collusion with the enemy.
He will heal and deliver them in soul and spirit, refine their esoteric knowledge into Truth, and disconnect them from the fallen empire so they can enter the Kingdom. He will equip them to work in the spirit realm for His glory, and purify their intuitive gifts to serve His purpose.
you will know these servants by their fruit.
they will embody and live from otherworldly peace, joy, resilience, grace, and compassion. they will show others the power of co-creating Heaven on Earth with God, and teach them how to pull the fullness of their Kingdom inheritance into daily life.
they will love and honor fellow believers while respectfully declining to be moved from their position in the Body where the Father has placed them, aiding and uplifting the souls who have been labeled too spiritual for salvation.
they will pick up heavenly tools and technologies that the rest of the Body would reject for being too cosmic and use them to liberate thousands of captives from the matrix system. they will reverse engineer every siege of spiritual warfare sent against them and dominate in the higher dimensions at a level that makes both human and non-human agents of the devil run for cover.
they will follow in Yeshua’s footsteps and stand in his authority to cast out entities and heal the sick. they will repair God’s organic blueprint for humanity and the planet, restoring the lightbody and the land, then expand out to the multiverse.
these are the last days, and God is moving in ways that no generation on the Earth has ever seen before so that all of humanity can be saved.
He is unlocking ancient-future realms and mysteries that only a remnant anointed and appointed to work with the energetic architecture of His Creation can access.
if you place this wave of the Body into a box based on how you think the Father should be convicting heretics instead of looking for how He has already chosen, qualified, and made righteous all who are predestined for this specialized mission work… you’ll miss it entirely.
those who believe that every Kingdom movement must conform to the templates of either mainstream or underground Christianity to be legitimate will be highly confused.
those who categorize every aspect of the spiritual and multidimensional as fallen and demonic will be deeply enraged.
and the new works of God through His supernatural children will continue, regardless.
this is cosmic faith.