Redeeming the Supernatural Season of Autumn

let me start off by saying… i love the fall. and i especially love October.
everything from the changing of the leaves to the pumpkin spice lattes to the countless Spirit Halloween stores that pop up at every shopping center with their cheap polyester costumes.
and… every year i can sense more and more that this month is the annual peak of spiritual warfare and shadow activity.
it’s the peak of occult power because of all the astral rituals and human sacrifice they’re doing at this time.
it’s also the peak of their cultural and ideological war to distort the Truth around the supernatural.
this is the only time of the year that global society acknowledges the spiritual and supernatural, and the enemy controls almost all of the public lens and perspective on it right now, through various cultures and worldviews.
the Satanic-Luciferian agenda is working overtime throughout this season to either collapse people out of the supernatural completely, or convince them that it’s cool and harmless to work with fallen energetic systems and entities.
the religious program to condemn all things supernatural and the spiritual program to casualize all things supernatural are opposite ends of the same spectrum, working together in a larger plan.
their main objective in controlling how we perceive the supernatural is to prevent us from reconnecting with real Kingdom magic, the kind that brings True liberation, and reclaiming our spiritual power over the enemy.
if you have a hard time grasping this, take a closer look at the lives of people drawn into a belief system that either writes off the supernatural completely, like religious Christianity, or tries to wield it from a space of separation from God, like universe-based spirituality.
you’ll notice that most of them stay stuck in the same blocks and patterns as when they first started. many of us who used to identify with these groups experienced this firsthand… and had to go deeper into supernatural faith to find the healing and transformation we sought.
without True supernatural power accessed through Father God and Christ, the collective is unable to get free from their captivity in the matrix system or address the multidimensional cycles of pain repeating in their lives… whether they are visualizing and affirming to manifest their desires or declaring scripture for support and protection.
when only the hijacked supernatural is normalized in society, people who are desperate for change end up using fallen methods and frameworks to understand and work with the spirit realm, such as channeling and interfacing with malevolent entities, plugging into false light systems to create success and abundance, or being brainwashed by esoteric teachings to believe that evil doesn’t exist and their consciousness is responsible for all the suffering within their reality.
new Spirit-filled movements of God are now on the rise, both inside and outside of the church, to reclaim and redeem the supernatural for the global salvation of humanity.
they have been commissioned, equipped, and sent by the Father to take this territory back for the Kingdom, and shift the public narrative around the cosmic throughout the fall season and year round.
individuals, groups, and communities will be destabilizing and collapsing the layers of the matrix system that co-opt and distort the supernatural, which might look like…
serving and supporting people in the transition from religious and spiritual trauma to relational and supernatural faith
using God-led cosmic gifts and practices to bring Christed salvation, inner healing, and deliverance
evangelizing and ministering through both scripture and biblical-level signs, wonders, and miracles
bringing forth the Kingdom through the paths of the mystic, alchemist, healer, priestess, and oracle
or even helping believers realize that God won’t smite them for celebrating Halloween with a childlike heart.
if your mission assignment is connected to God’s plan for the redemption of the supernatural, you will be identified as a threat to the enemy’s occupation of this area. because of this, you will be likely targeted through the full Satanic-Luciferian spectrum.
in the physical realm, religious Christians, New Agers, and many others will be mind-controlled and entity-influenced into offense, judgement, and persecution of you and your work.
in the spiritual realm, demonic agents will be assigned to trigger lightbody wounds and programs, and send waves of energetic attack and black magic in the fields.
with all the heightened occult activity during the fall, these warfare tactics can reach a peak in intensity.
but as you heal and return to True supernatural power in God and Christ, every work of the enemy has less of an impact on your lived reality over time.
you can build up your internal defense and resilience to warfare, without collapsing into fear if the targeting against your life and mission ramps up.
you can continue progressing in your alchemical healing process, without spending most of your time in heavy emotional and energetic purges.
you can stay aware of what the anti-life forces are planning, without making either victimhood or warriorship the center of your spiritual identity.
the True supernatural saves, heals, delivers, empowers, and changes lives.
the Satanic elite does not own it and neither do witches or pagans.
it is a realm and function of God first and foremost, inseparable from the manifestation of His mighty power.
it is part of our inheritance as heirs of the Kingdom, destined to fulfill the Father’s plan for humanity, the Earth, and all of Creation.
as we redeem the True supernatural, we are also redeeming the autumnal season. the fall will become known as a time where more of God’s supernatural mysteries are revealed and humanity experiences more of the True magic and miracles of Christ.