The First Tear-Free Year

2022 was my first breakdown-free year.
2023 is on track to be the first tear-free year.
not because of emotional suppression… but because my emotional body is permanently stabilizing and elevating through inner healing and deliverance with God.
not because of lack of spiritual alchemy… but because the spiritual and alchemical work is actually working now, shifting real life in tangible, practical ways, the way it was supposed to all along.
not because of denying fallen reality… but because the Father is showing me how to recognize each demonic assignment to plant the fallen in my world and uproot it completely from within and without.
not because i already have everything i’m meant to co-create in this life. i don’t, i still have a hundred more big, unrealistic dreams to birth and materialize with God, that burn in my heart every waking minute. but because where i’ve been and continue to be in the daily flow of my Kingdom timeline is deeply and consistently Good.
it’s peace and joy and work and play and growth and progress all from the environmental nourishment of Good. relaxing and receiving all the Good from God where i currently am, preparing for the greater Good where i’m headed next.
and this is so, so, so remarkably different from how my experience of living used to be.
i’ve gone from endless dark nights of the soul and death phases to using my spiritual gifts and the cosmic power of Christ to simply and efficiently clear every layer of wounding and machinery that is sensed in the soul and spirit.
from conventional career and spiritual service burnout to oh-so-sweet and steady God-led business structured to shift my sister clients into their next level of supernatural faith and transformation.
from strife-filled separation with the masculine and anguished disconnection from my feminine to feeling and witnessing the King rise up in every man i meet at the center of my renewed-in-devotion heart and womb.
it’s life the way God always intended life to be. and it’s a blessing that’s worth more than anything in the world to me. it’s a blessing i want to share with all of humanity.
nothing personally bothers me more than thinking about all the people who are going to experience another round of the ‘trials and tribulations package’ in 2024 and beyond, enduring all their suffering like it’s an inevitable twist of fate instead of a looping fallen reality in the matrix system to collapse and overcome with the Father.
it truly grieves and irritates my spirit, because i know now that every human being has the ability, in Christ, to take back all the power the enemy holds over their everyday lives.
now that i am experiencing more of the Heaven on Earth that is truly possible in our daily walk with God… i feel the call so strongly to transition and anchor as many souls as possible into the True life of the Kingdom timelines.