Serving the Kingdom Through Your Soul Templates

going all in with my God-led mission has required me to get very clear about the difference between what i’m skilled in and how i’m actually made to serve with those skills through my soul design.
if you ask anyone who knows me, there’s a 99% chance they’ll say i’m a great writer, speaker, and teacher. this isn’t wrong, because my skills can operate in these roles as needed… but this doesn’t mean that they are fully innate and natural to my service templating.
one of my family’s nicknames for me growing up was Professor, because i have a passion for knowledge and the ability to process it quickly, but soon i discovered that walking anyone through step-by-step lessons on what i’ve already learned makes me wilt with boredom and dread.
in my last year of high school, we were each required to give a speech to everyone at assembly before we could graduate. all semester, i felt it hanging over my head. i managed to pull something together last minute and delivered it well with praise, but hated every second of it. every other obligatory public talk or presentation in my life has gone the same way— technically great but experientially terrible.
i wrote novels for fun as a child, got A’s on my essays while barely studying, breezed through a writing-intensive major in college, then enthusiastically jumped into working as a professional copywriter, only to hit a brick wall in creativity. i realized i had been intuitively channeling every time i wrote with near-zero effort, and if i’m forced to come up with words mentally or logically, it collapses my channel and takes the ease with writing right out of me.
these experiences forced me to look beyond the roles that society equates with my skills to discern how each gift is actually meant to function from my soul essence. and as i progressed with my mission, this made all the difference in building a service platform that fulfills and fuels me instead of draining my energy.
now, i don’t make myself write or think about writing, ever. i don’t brainstorm content ideas or topics. instead, i receive the transmissions that God gives me as they drop in word for word, then wait for instructions to share. i live a deep and joyful mystic life, then curate my experiences into art that naturally beams from my heart. i follow God’s lead to share from a balance of my creative expression and His voice through my vessel.
writing skills are involved, but they can only flow through my oracle, muse, and creatrix templates.
i don’t speak to the entire internet in livestreams or give speeches to public crowds and conferences. instead, i offer my presence and perspectives in ways that are more intimate and communal. i publish my work in evergreen formats like blog posts or podcast episodes that are always there for my community to discover at just the right time or play in the background of their lives. i aim to capture and share my experiences in a way that makes every person feel like they are there with me. and i show up to connect with our global network of extraordinary Kingdom women in private community spaces and conversations.
speaking skills are involved, but they can only flow through my thought leader, socialite, and influencer templates.
i don’t teach or educate like an instructor reciting the same syllabus and lessons to a new class every year. instead, i download energetic blueprints of information and host virtual temple spaces for others to receive and integrate the codes at their own pace. i hold loving space for my clients while sharing the specific insights and revelations that God pulls through my channel just for them. i help them understand the multidimensional context of their unique life stories and support them to shift their timelines back into the Kingdom by intuitively sensing their inner wounds and patterns.
teaching skills are involved, but they can only flow through my priestess, coach, and healer templates.
the distinctions are subtle, looking from the outside in, but they make all the difference for me as a feminine being. it’s only when our skills and soul templates are aligned that we can fully embrace and embody our gifts for mission and service. it has been such a relief to just hold onto how my Sophianic essence is meant to serve through my cosmic, ancient-future templates, and throw everything else related to the old-paradigm speaker, teacher, and writer in the trash.
all of this has completely changed how i do business and entrepreneurship. now, my service platform is structured to use all the talents i’ve known i carry from a young age, but refined to stay in sync with the nature of my Eternal Self and mission assignments. i’ve had to disconnect and deprogram from every belief and teaching that doing anything inorganic to my templates is essential to succeed in my purpose.
i continue to self-examine and adjust, to uncover where the un-True ways of using my skills are sneaking in and collapse them out again. i sit with many of the assignments that are destined to come through Sophianic Muse and reflect on them often for months or years with God before the time comes to build, preparing to birth every blueprint easefully and detaching from all forms of labor and effort that don’t come naturally to me.
because even 1% not-me in my business and service workflow is unacceptable. every role and task has to be 100% congruent with the way God created me to give to make them as easy and effortless as breathing.
my mission work for the Kingdom can’t succeed unless it is centered in not just what i’m good at, but how i’m designed to serve.