Kingdom Forecast 2024: The Year of the Co-Creator

the year of 2024 holds a double-24 frequency that bridges different systems and paradigms of time.
it is both the 24th year of this millennium in the Gregorian calendar and a 24-sum year in the Hebrew calendar, considered by some to be God’s organic calendar (5784, 5+7+8+4=24).
within the Father’s Kingdom agenda for His children and for the planet, this year is bringing forth for many a more intensive focus on how we spend each 24-hour day, and how we co-create our 24/7 personal lives with God.
2024 is a year for the co-creator.
more specifically, it is a year to study and master the art of co-creating daily life with Father God.
it is a year to adjust the flow and structure of your days, weeks, months, and seasons to refine where your time, attention, and energy is going.
it is a year to identify which aspects of your reality do not yet match the fullness of the 24/7 Kingdom life that is your birthright and rise up in your authority with God to alchemize and elevate them.
it is a year to mature in supernatural faith, growing in Spirit-filled power so that the fallen experiential loops and patterns that you used to accept as inevitable can finally shift and break.
the deeply experiential focus of 2024 brings us a greater understanding of the co-creator/creatrix as both an eternal identity/archetype and a job position that must be respected and honored.
it is a God-led role and service that requires the conscious development of skills like devotion, stewardship, perseverance, and strength of will.
the work of the Kingdom co-creator is not just visualizing and affirming… and it’s also not just praying and waiting.
it’s passive and active, an interdependent state and function where you are both the surrendered vessel that births the Father’s perfect will for your life and the sovereign ruler that stands and wages war against all opposition until it materializes.
our co-creative ability is a natural part of us as angelic humans, but it can only be unlocked to its fullest potential when we accept all the rights and responsibilities that come with it.
as a co-creator…
you have the right to inherit the Kingdom, become a royal in Christ, and reign over your lived reality, mission calling, and sphere of influence as an appointed heir and ambassador of eternal life.
you have the responsibility to govern and enforce God’s law and justice onto the ungodly plans and schemes that work overtime to destroy, derail, and delay your personal destiny and the ordained redemption of humanity.
as a co-creator…
you have the right to receive and experience Heaven on Earth 24/7 in your daily life, and be permanently set free from all forms of difficulty and suffering in your inner and outer world.
you have the responsibility to heal the wounds and trauma that still anchor patterns of pain and struggle in your current experience, and evict the entities and implants that reinforce them from your soul and spirit.
as a co-creator…
you have the right to easefully materialize your biggest dreams, visions, and goals, and build the Edenic lifestyle you’ve always desired, along with more than enough abundance and wealth to establish and maintain it all.
you have the responsibility to harmonize your will with God’s will, submit to His highest plans for your life, and become the version of yourself that can embody and steward those higher aspirations and resources.
you cannot be a mature and effective co-creator without fully accepting both your rights and responsibilities, but the matrix system often wounds and confuses us into choosing between them.
souls who have internalized religious programming tend to take on more of their responsibilities without accepting all of their rights.
souls who have internalized spiritual programming tend to claim more of their rights without recognizing all of their responsibilities.
we will see both sides of this imbalance destabilize and collapse further in 2024 and beyond.
your co-creative ability does not simply turn back on as soon as you decide it does. it restores and upgrades over time, as you expand and develop these qualities:
God relationship – to experience loving intimacy with your Father and personally witness His creational drive and potency
cosmic faith – to hold out for the eternal, impossible, and supernatural for however long it takes until you see it fulfilled
Kingdom identity – to align your self-image with your royal inheritance and commission to reign over your daily life first, then the rest of the world
Spirit-filled power – to enforce God’s perfect will onto your reality, triumph over spiritual warfare, and stop fallen schemes with the authority of Christ
2024 is a year for accessing more of the greater works of co-creation with Father God. here are some questions to reflect on as you step into this new cycle:
do i feel worthy of experiencing Heaven on Earth daily? is there anything holding me back from believing that it’s possible for me?
in which areas of life do i feel the most empowered or disempowered to reign and materialize Kingdom blessings?
is there any hyper-independence (i am creating everything) or dependence (God/fate is creating everything) in my perspective on life? am i able to identify with all of my co-creative rights and responsibilities?
do i have a clear vision for my dreams in 2024? does the thought of bringing them to life feel scary, painful, or hopeless, and can i shift that emotion with the Father?
are there any ungodly works or warfare currently operating in my life? do i feel supported by God to overrule and overcome them?
confession: i actually had a completely different transmission and theme that i was planning to share for the new year as recently as a few days ago.
but as i was sitting with the Father and reflecting on all that i have been feeling and experiencing around 2024, He began to highlight the 24 in my spiritual sight very strongly… and then all new revelation began to pour in.
i’m going to keep my first 2024 theme private as God has confirmed that it’s a personal word just for me and a few others. but i am very, very excited about this bigger co-creational energy swirling around 2024, which i am already seeing play out in my reality in such magical ways, and the Kingdom potential in this year for all of us. 👑🍾