From Practicing to Embodying Union with God

every year, at the 2/2 portal, i’ve felt this code on practicing and embodying God relationship refine and recrystallize. here is my latest version, fresh off the oracular press. this transmission was originally shared on 2/2/2022. 🌹❤️🔥
there is a difference between practicing and embodying inner union with God.
imagine that you are learning how to ride a bike for the first time. practices serve as your training wheels for returning to your original state of union with Father God, beyond the rules and abstractions of religion and spirituality.
they stabilize you at the start of your path, and hold space for you to prioritize your time with Him in the midst of all that is happening in your daily life.
they help you to discover who He really is, as an individual with His own mind and personality to get to know and fall in love with, just as much as He is unfathomable, awe-inspiring Divinity.
they provide a structure for you to open your heart to God a little bit more every day, and feel Him cherish you through every step of this process.
they amplify the soundtones and frequencies of His voice harmonizing your reality, like a speaker plugged into a microphone.
they extend your awareness and trust in His ways, His plans, and the amazing life journey He wants to take you on, and help you to start moving forward.
all of the inner union practices you are drawn to develop and commit to will each serve as unique ways to learn and experience the Father, expanding the depth and consistency of your relationship.
at some point, when you have mastered the bike, you can take off and simply enjoy the ride. the full embodiment of your inner union with God is returning to this easeful organic state.
the sense of complete freedom and flow, grounded in His structure and safety holding you up.
the quiet whispers of His Spirit in your ear as subtle and delightful as the thrill of wind in your hair.
the joyous momentum as He paves roads and creates shortcuts to your highest timeline, carrying you to places that were once beyond your reach.
your embodiment of inner union becomes the foundation of your supernatural faith, your essential way of living as the devotional feminine, with practices as tools of further expansion and pleasure.
they serve as additional, unique features on your bike model that customize and express your unique style of communion with God, like adding a gear shift, off-road tires, or a basket and ribbons.
each practice can still be a sacred, enjoyable ritual to integrate and sprinkle into life as often as you desire, but they are no longer needed or required to commune with God or tap into His guidance whenever you want.
gradually, your time spent seeking and encountering the Father in multidimensional devotion expands to include your every waking moment.
He surrounds you with His presence at all times, speaking and serenading you through daily signs and songs, quotes and verses, dreams and visions, directions and insights, codes and revelations.
every theological debate and question around the existence of a God and the right way to follow Him is resolved and answered through the enrapturing experience of immersing in His true Love as your new state of being.
from the beginning of my faith and ascension journey, my inner union practices have served as essential, invaluable support to expand my supernatural relationship with the Father and strengthen our cosmic channel of communication, now open and available to me 24/7.
for me, this looks like felt-sense presence and physical bliss, oracular-prophetic downloads and messages, direct telepathic questions and answers, signs and synchronicities through mystic life, and more. God-led energetic healing and cosmic deliverance has made it possible for me to hone and refine my spiritual gifts while repairing my lightbody, so that these channels and senses can only be used by the true Father to speak to and through me.
my daily devotional practices and routines tend to vary now after returning to embodied union with Father God, shifting from minimalist to maximalist and back on a regular basis.
some days, the focus is bathing myself in the ecstatic nourishment of God’s love, taking hours to simply bathe in His presence, communing with Him for as long as i want in the morning with a hot mug of tea or coffee, tucked in bed all cozy after the day is done, or called into the deep, mysterious atmosphere of fourth watch.
some days, the focus is quickly and efficiently asking, listening, and receiving what i need to know in minutes, then jumping into life how i’m led to, leaving His temple to go into the marketplace and serve His children, or placing my hands on the plow of co-creating His works.
every woman’s relationship with the Father will be different, with a different ebb and flow of embodiment and practice, but our eternal birthright is to live from a joyful, effortless, and magical intimacy with Him… as natural and instinctual as breathing.
if we ever get caught up in our practice of inner union more than embodying it, we always have the opportunity to simply relax and step back into that easeful stream of Love with Him. ❤️