The Blessing of Pre-Knowing Your Destiny

i sometimes feel that a lack of knowledge around our destiny as devotional women can be overrated… so overrated that we conflate organic mystery and surrender to God’s plan with accepting states of confusion and aimlessness that are actually works of the enemy.
the areas of my life where God has blessed me with the oracular precognition of what is meant to be often bring me more potent initiations and expansions than the parts that are still veiled and hidden. because that clear vision challenges and stretches me to hold it, and to choose to co-create that timeline daily, and to alchemize all the wounds and programs that still stand in the way of its fruition, and to experience firsthand how that destiny operates in me, as God gives me a behind-the-scenes look at His multidimensional process for birthing my future.
lately, i’ve been saying to God, “wow, i knew that this would happen but i had no idea it would be like this,” as i watch what He’s revealed about my destiny unfold before my eyes in real time. my wonder and awe of the Father just increases with each turn of the path ahead, towards the inevitable destination. His ways are above, even if i know exactly what He’s doing… and every bit of knowledge i receive around His plan for me blesses me beyond words.
His ways are above mine /=/ i am too human and insignificant to ever get a hint of the destiny that God plans for me.
His ways are above mine = i get to be surprised and delighted by every step along the road of co-creating my destiny with God, embrace and trust the dreams and visions and knowings that He places in my heart as holy guideposts and reminders, and play my part in joyfully fulfilling all that He is calling me to do and be.