Little Kingdom Timeline Things: The Surprise Invitation

have you ever been having a typical day, when suddenly a spontaneous invite drops in– and it’s magically everything your soul wanted and needed?

there are times when these aligned experiences seem to just drop in out of nowhere.

it’s like they fall out of the sky right into our laps– Heavenly gifts sent down to Earth by our Father.

this has been happening to me a lot lately… and they seem to be increasing in intensity the more that i walk with God into higher and higher levels of my Kingdom life.

surprise meals, concerts, trips, beauty treatments, clothes, and more…

they can be free, deeply discounted, or offer a priceless opportunity well worth the cost.

as this surprise invitation portal has materialized over and over for me, i’m starting to recognize it as a distinct feature of the Kingdom timelines.

last weekend, i went through a seriously accelerated series of these.

i was sitting at home on the couch watching K-dramas with my family… then randomly someone says, “why don’t we go to the consignment store?” the timing was odd, because the store has limited hours and was about to close until monday– so we had to rush out of the house to make it in time.

but the nudge out of nowhere paid off. we’ve been many times before, but this time i found one of my best deals yet– a beautiful designer dress for 80% off!

we get back home, settle down, and have more family over for a quiet birthday dinner… and as soon as i sit down on the couch again i get a call.

“hey, i booked a staycation at this new luxury hotel, do you want to come and sleep over?”

of course i said yes, lol. we admired the interior design, savored espresso martinis at the bar, and stayed up late watching vlogs… it was such a fun night. 

my next day was filled with just as delightful free and gifted invites, to a delicious sushi buffet lunch and a massage chair pedicure. it was all so lovely. 💓

i feel the Father’s love so strongly when i say yes to these surprise invitations and receive all the joy that comes with them. they often pop in when my fun budget is already spent, as a wonderful reminder that God is able to bring material blessings in all kinds of ways 🥰