Co-Creating Life From Your Devotional Feminine Design

every woman in existence is designed to joyfully co-create her life with God.
everything that we are pre-destined to birth and nurture in our reality…
babies & businesses
creations & communities
ministries & movements
and more
has been encoded by Him into our soul and spirit, in the form of our co-creative blueprint.
there is a distinct and unique blueprint for each and every one of us, specific to each woman’s mission and purpose on the Earth and how her life fits into the Father’s plan for humanity and all of creation.
there’s a lot of discussion around women’s life choices, but not so much about how we are templated to co-create life.
a choice is a decision that is made by the feminine on the incarnate human level, from a mind, heart, and will that could be sovereign and aligned with the True self or captive and programmed by the matrix system, from thoughts and emotions that may or may not be based in her innate gifts and talents, dreams and desires, spiritual wounding and bondage, generational trauma and patterns, level of resources and support, or societal norms and pressure.
a template is a part of the feminine’s co-creative design and destiny for a specific assignment, aspiration, or area of life, placed by Father God in her immortal being, which exists whether the incarnate self is consciously attuned to it or not. the activation of our co-creative templates in sync with God’s plans and timing can shift and alter our lives in many different ways, which may actually interrupt or override the incarnate self’s mind, heart, and will choices.
the extent to which we are consciously aware of and able to choose our co-creative templates varies greatly depending on our life paths and circumstances. we may get a distinct sense of one or multiple templates from an early age, receive a sudden revelation around them later in life, or have an experience that initiates us into them. some of our templates may feel easeful and effortless to embrace as soon as we discover them, while others bring up deep pain, resistance, or confusion.
generally the more that the feminine is able to reunite with God, Christ, and her True self, the more she can clearly recognize and reconnect with her co-creative blueprint and templates, heal the inner wounds and blocks that may have prevented her from freely choosing them, and gradually return to her Kingdom timeline where she is supported with all that she needs in earthly life to joyfully fulfill and sustain her destiny.
the co-creative blueprint is like a flower that buds and blooms in specific templates throughout a woman’s life.
there is a central core, and the petals that unfurl around it, growing from it and surrounding it.

the co-creative core of the devotional feminine is composed of at least two of the following four templates: God relationship, union, family, and service.

from this center of her being, every other pre-destined calling and assignment can bloom and flourish.
despite a relatively recent increase in societal awareness around the relationship-free (or aromantic / asexual) and childfree, scripture makes it clear that these core templatings are both ancient-future and here to stay. the absence of union and/or family templates in the feminine’s design will generally deepen her centering in God relationship and service, similar to the historical / archetypal nun.

1 Corinthians 7:7-8, 26-28 [validation of both relational and relationship-free destinies], 32-38 [deeper centering in God relationship and service for the relationship-free]
Matthew 19:12 [relationship-free and childfree templates by circumstance or calling]
Luke 23:29 [end time prophecy on the increase in prevalence and positive perception of the childless and childfree]
Isaiah 54:1 [deeper centering in service and blooming of legacy for the childfree feminine]

when the feminine chooses to prioritize her co-creative core, placing these templates at the center of her life, the rest of her blueprint can come into full bloom.
as she pours into her faith and devotion to God, her union and counterpart, her family and children, and her service assignments, her petal templates will expand and open. she no longer has to ‘balance’ these areas of life, and instead can enjoy the innate harmony of her co-creative design.

the narrative that any woman cannot ‘have it all’ is a fallen paradigm intended to force her to compromise and give up on parts of her co-creative blueprint when faced with the ‘real world’ limits of the matrix and warfare from the enemy.
in reality, we are brought into this world with the All of our destiny encoded into the organic design of our True selves, and the organic structure of our highest Kingdom timelines.
each woman’s All is unique, and her walk with God into the earthly fulfillment of her destiny is encoded with the full materialization of her All– the complete return of her personal Heaven on Earth in life.
consider the promise of שָׁלוֹם, or shalom in biblical Hebrew.
it is often translated simply as peace, but the full meaning is more like completion and wholeness within and without, with nothing missing and nothing broken.
so what makes us whole in God is not only the healing of any brokenness in our hearts, minds, souls, and spirits, but also the restoration of the All in every aspect of our Kingdom lives– the fulfillment of every template in our co-creative blueprint. nothing broken in who we are made to be, and nothing missing in the complete fruition of our destinies.
But the meek shall inherit the earth, and delight themselves in the abundance of shalom.
Psalms 37:11
for the feminine in conscious co-creation with God, any template or area of life where the All has not materialized is an area where God has greater Edenic fulfillment to bring through her, both within and without.
this feels like both the biggest transmission i’ve ever shared here and also just an introduction to the limitless depth of this topic.
there’s a lot more that could be said about the spiritual blocks and machinery that can suppress or hijack our templates, the ways our co-creative power can be hooked into the matrix, and how both God relationship and inner healing/deliverance are essential to liberating our co-creative blueprint and blooming its fullest potential in this incarnation.
my past transmission Repairing Your Timeline With God has some of the additional codes. be sure to give it a look if this share brings up questions.
p.s. for my private client angels– if you haven’t peeked in the Muse Portal lately there are some fun things unfolding there… such as, a few new types of session work that we’ve been making magic with unofficially until now 😉