4 Tips for Taking Your Time as a Feminine Woman

taking your time as the feminine is so much more than just going slower or living more cyclically.
it’s about fully honoring your unique, multidimensional flow of time with God.
i first started to notice this in school, when i was placed in the gifted program but taking standardized tests with the rest of my class.
my experience of testing was a slow and leisurely process, carefully reading and thinking through my answers. yet whenever i knew i was finished and turned to look at the clock, i was always one to two hours ahead.
i often dreaded getting up to turn my test in early. making eye contact with my classmates on the way would send an empathic surge of their reaction into my body: anger, sadness, panic… all of which had nothing to do with me and everything to do with them measuring their pace against mine.
this is when i first realized that we all experience the flow of time differently.
here are 4 tips i’ve found helpful to truly take your time as the feminine:
- honor the rhythms of not only your body, but also your soul and spirit. because human biology was altered by the fall of Adam and Eve, not everything in our physicality is fully in sync with God’s Edenic design for us. along with biological cycles and phases, we also have inner seasons to move through energetically, and outer set times that He uses to shift our timelines.
- prioritize getting into and staying in flow state as much as possible. this means immersing yourself fully in what you love and are called to live out, while streamlining or outsourcing the tasks and commitments that disrupt your flow.
- use comparison with the pace and progress of others as a tool of contrast to receive more insight from God on your unique timing. very often, the Father will use someone else’s success to confirm part of your destiny, and either illuminate your next steps into it, or clarify why He is shifting other life areas first.
- redeem your time wherever it has been wasted or siphoned. think of the years spent making false-self decisions, being tormented by life circumstances, rushed by external deadlines or delayed by internal blocks. these are not a permanent loss, but rather a theft by the enemy that you are entitled to a multiplied return on from God. this means you can receive accelerated breakthrough and quantum leaps for every missed timeframe or opportunity. 🚀
when the feminine truly takes her time, it is neither slow nor fast. it is simply hers. it’s a complete now-moment flow state, a full immersion in her process every step along the way to her destination.
the minutes may stream by or trickle on… but she’s not watching the clock to judge her pace or adjust her speed to a measure separate from her body, soul, and spirit.
instead, she can use the contrast of linear time to expand her awareness of God synchronizing her unique destiny through every internal and external season.
she is not on time… she is ~in~ time.
she is a time traveler who is served by and enthroned over time through her relationship with God… receiving all the real-time direction, clarity, and instruction she needs for the timeline shifts she desires while embracing the mystery of how her dream life will ultimately materialize as she co-creates her future Kingdom reality with the Father.