Serving the Nations Through a Cruise

this trip came with some major spiritual plot twists!
on paper, it was a fun and chill Thanksgiving week at sea, the first cruise ever for my mother and me, joining my stepdad’s family who does this every year.
if you know anything about Carnival cruises, then you can probably guess that i had pretty low expectations aside from just spending quality time with the fam, lol. but i received so much more than i would’ve guessed!
it was like God restructured the cruise into a lush nature and wellness retreat just for me. i had a solo balcony room where i could sit for hours and watch light sparkling on the waves and seabirds dancing in the ship’s winds, which felt like a priceless luxury. and our spa stateroom package came with unlimited infrared sauna time, complimentary pilates classes, and a free professional body composition analysis, all things that i had been wanting or planning to try for ages.
but little did i know… that this would also be my biggest initiation so far with my travel as gridwork mission.
i wasn’t sure how much of this work to expect, if any, when coming to Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. i wasn’t even clear on if God wanted me to get off at either port or if this would end up just being a cute, vibey stay-at-sea week. we had no plans or excursions in advance, so it could’ve gone either way.
let me tell you! i did make it to land both times and it was an Experience, lol.
Jamaica was soooo gorgeous with the clear blues and greens of her trees, mountains, and waters… and also deeply sad and unsettled in the spirit realm. i felt her wounds immediately upon waking with our ship already docked there, and ran the clearing while we visited Doctor’s Cove Beach and spent our afternoon relaxing and playing in the water.
the Cayman Islands… omg. i was Not Prepared. beautiful, but with the deepest level of energetic pain and captivity in a land or region that i have ever personally felt and been led to clear. i barely slept the night after leaving Jamaica, and woke up at 5 am feeling deep, deep black magic running both in the land and in my body hours before we reached port there…
the amount of spiritual warfare being sent through the fields was deep enough to try and induce 0-to-100, full-force physical illness in me out of nowhere (with a very healthy, happy body thriving from all the fresh air, sunshine, and daily sauna time!) as we approached the islands, which i had to energetically battle in the short time before our group was scheduled to disembark. it was both a big challenge and a big victory for me, in first trusting in the Truth of supernatural healing then taking action with God to enforce it and shut down all opposition in real time. i felt and witnessed yet again, from my own embodiment, how even severe physical symptoms can completely stop and clear in minutes as deeper energetic interfacing and open doors to entity/part interference are removed and closed.
this was the first time that the Father has ever told me to put out a spiritual restraining order against the anti-Christ powers and principalities ruling over an entire country as part of my own self-deliverance process, because they were throwing everything they could at me in the spirit realm to keep me from stepping onto the land and doing any of God’s work there (Daniel 10:12-14 and Deuteronomy 11:22-24 are helpful references to understand the who and why of this).
i was confused as to why there would be so much demonic activity coming up around these small islands that i had no personal connection to, but it started to make sense once i realized that this is one of the top capitals for ungodly wealth and trade in the world through offshore business and finance. so the Cayman Islands aren’t just a lovely place to book a luxury beachfront hotel or a smart option to set up a company with no tax burden, they’ve also been a main energetic hub for satanic/luciferian industry leaders and corporations to store, circulate, and multiply their billions made from human suffering.
it’s no coincidence that C.I. is one of the last remaining British colonies in the world, as the global anti-Christ banking system places England and other ‘developed’ nations as the modern-day heads and rulers of third world countries behind the scenes, using enforced debt and all kinds of other shadiness to siphon their resources. but God has a redemptive plan and destiny for all nations… and His plan for these lands will always win out.
so of course it didn’t go the way the ruling principalities wanted with keeping me away. i did indeed manage to shift the illness in real time through inner healing and deliverance, make it off the ship to Grand Cayman that same day, and run my gridwork in between exploring and having fun! i took an island bus tour with my family, and we got to pet and play with green sea turtles which was honestly the best thing ever. it was a short and sweet time at port, but i have a feeling that this isn’t the end of the story with me and these islands. 😉
though there was a bit more serious mission work to do than i expected… i had so much fun on this cruise with all these new experiences and snapshots to remember them that could’ve come straight off my Pinterest board. i absolutely loved everything about traveling by sea and i’m excited for God to plan more for me!