Not Feeling Vision Boards Anymore as a Mystic Believer? Try This

honestly… who doesn’t love a vision board?
they’re fun, aesthetically pleasing, and encourage us to imagine the highest possibilities for our next year or the future in general… but many feminine mystics are now reconsidering their use of this practice.
the hidden spiritual loop with vision boards
if you’re a deeply intuitive woman who’s started to step into cosmic relationship with God, you may begin to sense that the way we learned to use vision boards spiritually, despite being super cute and vibey, has a completely collapsed energetic structure behind it, especially around the new year.
either we painstakingly craft a gorgeous, soul-aligned vision for our next three hundred and sixty-five days, then forget all about it as the months fly by, leaving our boards ignored in virtual apps and folders or gathering dust in closets and corners…
or we start compulsively intending and affirming our boards day in and day out, taking on all the responsibility to pull our vision from the spirit realm into reality through our own will and consciousness… which is, frankly, exhausting.
neither of these frameworks are truly honoring of our feminine essence, and they don’t fully mesh with our innate, organic power to easefully co-create our Kingdom lives with God… which is why they usually have limited effects.
a devotional mystic solution: the destiny board
there’s nothing wrong with curating and combining pictures to get clear about your vision. but the collapsed metaphysical structure around this has got to go… for something that actually matches up with how we’re designed to supernaturally birth our reality as women.
last year, i felt guided to explore something more like a destiny board practice for myself, and it has been incredibly supportive and nourishing for me. i set it up closer to the middle of the year than the beginning, but every month since i’ve felt it activate me more and more. i use it to clarify the future that i’m building with God, anchor into what He’s promised me, and discover more of my unique co-creative blueprint.
here’s how you can make your own, plus an alternative version if you need it.
step 1: choose the form of your board
you can create a physical or a digital destiny board. a digital format is more accessible on the go, with the freedom of unlimited visuals. a physical format encourages flow as you work with your hands, and keeps your curation laser-focused with limited space.
physical: set up a flat board or surface where you can easily add, remove, and rearrange visuals. this could be a corkboard with push-pins, a whiteboard with magnets, or a blank wall with wall-safe tape. place it somewhere visible in your home, or wherever you do your devotional practices. (tip: snap a pic with your phone when you’re done and save to favorites!)
digital: make a dedicated private e-board or collage in an image-based app like Pinterest where you can add or remove visuals, move or reposition them, and view/scroll through them all together. you can also use a folder or collection in your virtual journal, photo library, or any other tech-based structure.
step 2: reflect & add visuals
to start designing your destiny board, all you need is one guiding question:
‘what has God revealed to me about my destiny so far, through our conversations and His confirmations to me?’
as you contemplate this, find and choose visuals that capture both the vision and feeling of different parts of your destiny, and add them to your board, arranging however you like. the visuals can be photographs and illustrations, or written quotes, descriptions, and scripture. they may include fictional characters and scenes, or real people and places.
anything that represents the essence of your destiny can be included, but as you move through your process you’ll start to notice that there are certain visuals that stir your soul or tug at your heartstrings as soon as you look at them. those are the best ones to add!
if you get overwhelmed or your mind goes blank, try working with one area of life at a time. reframe the question into ‘what has God revealed about my [future union, family, home, career, health, lifestyle, etc] so far?’
once you have all the bases covered, feel free to curate your board further by aesthetic or vibe.
eventually you’ll run out of ideas and downloads, or stop finding visuals that resonate. at this point, set your destiny board aside and revisit it whenever you feel guided.
instead of making an entirely new board every year, consider continuing to update and expand this one as God shares more with you about your destiny! you can circle back anytime to add more, or just to re-center in what’s meant for you. you may want to include it in your regular devotional time with Him, or review it as you pray into your callings.
alternative: the daughter board
if you are just tiptoeing into devotional faith, you may be unsure if you are hearing from God at all, or doubt the subtle messages that come from Him through daily life. you may have no idea what your destiny is, or if your dreams are Truly part of God’s plan.
if you’ve experienced religious or narcissistic trauma, you may have internalized a false tyrannical father deity, who punishes you for having any desire besides doing his will. when you feel into your God-given destiny, your mind may default to a purpose of personal sacrifice, without joy or pleasure.
if any of this applies to you, you may end up with a destiny board that reflects what you fear God would make you do and not what you’re actually made for. to avoid this, i would encourage you to set aside that version of the exercise for now and instead start by working with a daughter board.
the main point of a daughter board is to help you deepen into your identity as a worthy, cherished, and precious child of God, and let yourself dream freely from relational safety and support. here are the guiding questions:
‘if i could receive anything in the world just for myself from my Heavenly Father, with no limits on what He would give to make me happy, what would i want?’
‘what does my heart deeply yearn for Father God to bring me in life right now?’
curate visuals that match the look and feel of what comes up for you. to get more specific, you can reframe the questions to ‘if i could receive anything in my [love life, career, social life, finances, etc] from my Heavenly Father… what would i want?’ and ‘what does my heart deeply yearn for Father God to bring me in [area of life]?’
you may find these questions challenging at first, more challenging than just resigning yourself to a life of dutiful surrender. keep in mind that there are no wrong answers, and pay attention to where your head might be overriding your heart.
don’t think too much about ego vs. soul needs, or how to tell if what you imagine for yourself matches up with God’s will. instead, focus on your eternal child self being fully loved and provided for by Him, and feel into the innocent dreams and longings that would emerge from her being. this will help with disentangling your True feminine wants from shoulds.
as you reconnect with your inner little girl and open up to receive more of the Father’s love, He will align and sync your desires with His plans for you, to the point where they are one and the same… and then your daughter board will turn into a destiny board!
my personal experience
this new devotional practice came to me as a unexpected nudge from God, an interesting plot twist after years of either forgetting or burning out on manifesting my vision boards and eventually setting them aside completely. i deeply enjoyed creating my destiny board and adding everything i knew was both a soul desire and a promise from my Father, but from there, it grew unexpectedly on me as a regular practice.
i was having countless ‘aha’ moments as i remembered more details of the older callings God has confirmed to me over the years and felt the satisfaction of finding the perfect visuals for them. i began to sense and map out the newer longings stirring in my heart. attuning to all these dreams and possibilities at once helped me to refine and clear a few that no longer fit into the big picture. and as my board expanded, i had more and more fun just playing with it.
now my destiny board has become just as much of a resource for me as a ritual, like a digital garden that i can visit anytime to tend to the buds and blooms of my dreams. while i don’t look at it every day, it’s something that i’ve come back around to at least once a month, every single month since i created it, to feel the joy of my future all over again, adding and removing in flow as i get more details from God.
the never-ending journey
as we walk with the Father, deepening both our intimacy with Him and our devotion to the Kingdom, new layers and levels of our destiny will continue to be unveiled. standing at the threshold of a personal transition, like a new year or new chapter in life, is a great time to start or revisit your board.
if it’s been a while since you last reviewed it, there may be new downloads that drop in just from taking another look, or new visuals to add that unlock more revelations. you may find that some of what you included before no longer lines up with what you know now about your destiny, or what your daughter self now desires. remove and update whatever you need to!
the more space and time you give yourself to pause, reflect, and dream with God about your destiny, releasing internal force and control, the more clarity and insight you will be able to gain.