Supernatural Faith and Miracles
experience is the best teacher. five years ago, i didn't believe in having psychic abilities until i picked up a crystal and it started to pulse in my palms. i couldn't understand how tarot could be linked ...
(Not) Defending the Divine Mother
however She may be known to us... as Mother God, the Holy Spirit, or simply Love... the Divine Mother does not need defending. as tempting as it is to wade into ideological wars in Her name, to ...
Letting Go of Being Relatable
lately i've been feeling into the use of the word relatable, and all the energetic ties around aligning with that quality. often the conversation around relatability is framed by the hidden fear of losing the ability ...
Kingdom Forecast 2022: The Higher Calling
the fireworks started for me on the night of Christmas Eve, at the stroke of midnight. too early, many would say, but somehow, they felt right on time. flares of golden Christed light in my ...