Your Success Is Your Succession
though we think of them as separate concepts today, the etymology of the word ‘success’ traces back to the exact same origin as the word ‘succession’. succēdere (v., Latin): to ascend or come from under,…
though we think of them as separate concepts today, the etymology of the word ‘success’ traces back to the exact same origin as the word ‘succession’. succēdere (v., Latin): to ascend or come from under,…
timeline repair is a long-term process with two steps: returning to your relationship with Father God and healing soul wounds with Him to disconnect from the matrix.
reflections on faith and spirituality after moving through the new age, comparing the ‘post-‘ vs ‘ex-‘ label.
‘as an angel, do you ever get tired of considering other people’s feelings?’ she asked. part transmission, part poem, part transcript from psychic eavesdropping on the collective.
my supernatural faith in God came through directly experiencing His supernatural power.
i'm Kiare, and this is where i publish my transmissions as a high priestess of cosmic devotion to God. i distill codes and insight from my initiations and share as guided by the Father to support women coming home to His Kingdom. enjoy!
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