Some days (maybe every day) it feels like taking care of your body is a full-time job.

Choosing healthy meals, getting the right amount of exercise, figuring out what the words in the ingredients list of your skincare products even mean and if they’re secretly poisoning you.

And if you’ve spent any time exploring spirituality, you’ve already realized that your soul needs just as much devoted care and attention.

When it comes to self-healing, maybe you’ve already tried it all.

therapy · manifestation · reiki · EFT · affirmations · vision boards · crystal grids · tarot readings · mindset reprogramming · shadow work · hypnosis · past life regression · lunar practices · journaling · witchcraft · pagan rituals · etc

Maybe, like me, you deeply enjoyed most of these practices and experiences, learned a lot about the multidimensional world through them, and set some aside while continuing to work with others… but was never really able to get the deep, transformative results you wanted from any one of them.

Maybe, like me, you still had to spend countless hours poring through sacred texts and esoteric teachings to see what you could possibly be overlooking that would bring the shifts you’d been waiting on… but came up with nothing.

Maybe, like me, you reached a point where you were so desperate for embodied solutions and breakthroughs, so determined to return to inner wholeness no matter what it took… that it opened your heart and mind enough for Father God to reveal Himself to you as a supernatural God, and begin to show you the cosmic Truth about your body, soul, and spirit.

Imagine this…

Girl starts experiencing strange, mystical events.

Girl discovers spirituality and realizes that she has intuitive gifts, given to her for the uplifting of humanity.

Girl gets all excited, quits her day job, and jumps into spiritual service full-time.

Girl thrives in her mission wielding her incredible psychic talents, heals herself completely, helps millions of people, makes billions of dollars, and then lives happily ever after.

Sounds great, right?

Except… things didn’t exactly work out like that in my case.

Instead... it seemed like the more I embraced the multidimensional, the worse my life became.

It was like a nightmare version of that scenario… where the more that I worked with the spiritual realms to heal myself and change my reality, the more blocked and stagnant every area of my life seemed to be.

I went through repeated dark nights of the soul that would loop back around to the same core themes and traumas no matter how much emotional processing and shadow work I did.

I took radical responsibility for creating my reality and relentlessly pushed myself to affirm, manifest, and visualize, but not much seemed to shift.

I was constantly haunted by long-past experiences that still hurt like they had just happened to me. The pain tore at me like a knife at the smallest mental reminder, even while using all the energetic tools and modalities I had trained in to clear out trauma.

I would speed-read through the metaphysical bookshelves at my first spiritual job, trying to find the cosmic answers in between doing tarot readings and reiki sessions, getting attacked by my clients and my managers, and barely taking any money home.

My search would continue for years with no real solutions, through minimum-wage intuitive work, unemployment, a global pandemic, and a failed healing business, with the same persistent blocks in life, even as my mystical knowledge and experiences increased.

I couldn’t figure it out. What was I missing?

Then Father God came to me in yet another supernatural encounter… and showed me what I couldn’t see on my own. He illuminated the Truth in all I had learned about the cosmic to put together the big picture for repairing my lightbody and transforming my world.

The origin of humanity as pure, holy, multidimensional beings, whole in every way, with the capacity to personally know and walk with Father God, learning and growing in eternal joy as we co-create Heaven on Earth with Him.

The subsequent fall of Creation, resulting in sin installed as energetic structures and programs within us, along with our planet, solar system, and universe, trapping our physical and spiritual forms in trauma and death, keeping us from fully embodying our original design.

The devil and other fallen angels reigning over society from the shadows, pouring evil out on the Earth and sending spiritual warfare to wound and fracture the human lightbody in every way they can come up with– curses, implants, black magic, mental programs, emotional patterns, entity attachments, timeline loops, and more.

The matrix system they hid within society and the consciousness traps placed in both mainstream Christianity and the New Age, setting people up to either worship a cruel, condemning distortion of God and deny the cosmic, or serve the fallen by working with hijacked astral tools and lower dimensional entities.

Religion and spirituality weren't entirely wrong… but they made us choose between our Father and the supernatural, when we actually need both to heal and return to our True form.

While I processed all of this, God brought me to ordained mentors, both faith-led and cosmic, who were doing His multidimensional work to set people free from the fallen empire. Using their teachings and modalities produced immediate shifts in my mind, heart, and life for the first time ever, bringing in so much confirmation and hope for the greater.

He upgraded my intuitive gifts to physically feel the energetic wounds in my soul and spirit, sense where entities and implants were attached to my field, and tell when spiritual warfare was being actively sent my way.

He showed me how to combine my abilities with inner healing and deliverance techniques in the spirit realm and consistently run them on myself until I felt and saw the changes in my life that I had been striving towards in spirituality for years.

As I collapsed mental programs and mind control… my scattered, restless, ADHD-diagnosed mind began to function with clear insight and flowing productivity.

As I removed spiritual implants and healed etheric wounds… my chronic depression and dark-night breakdown cycles dissolved into emotional stability and grounded peace and joy.

As I cleared out curses, black magic and entities… my ability to alchemize and shift the lows and difficulties of life increased in ease and speed.

And as each layer of this healing work added up month by month, year by year, my relationship with Father God deepened, my timeline elevated, and I started to experience more and more of the Kingdom in my daily life.

Then finally, after all that… God gave me the mission assignment to take all that I had used to repair my own lightbody and pull it together into an offer that would streamline and accelerate this process for my community.

Lightbody Building is one of very few energy healing services on the planet co-created with Father God and King Yeshua. It is made to repair God’s original design and structure for your etheric anatomy (which includes both the soul and the spirit, as two different levels) and restore you to multidimensional health and wholeness over time. It’s the service that I wish had been there for me years ago, back when I was picking up every spiritual practice possible just to find something that actually worked to change my life.

The Holy Father trained and commissioned me to develop this offering so that He could provide a missing link for many who have ‘been there, done that’ and tried absolutely everything to shift their reality. Everything, that is, except for cosmic healing that is led and empowered by our Creator, who formed our spiritual bodies and knows exactly how they work.

In each twice-monthly session, you will receive:

— Distance fieldwork that repairs and restores your soul and spirit back into their organic blueprint over time, to help you return to full cosmic power and sovereignty, and gradually elevate your timeline to experience more of the Edenic life that is your birthright.

— Multidimensional deliverance that is anchored in the intergalactic reign of Christ, wielding Yeshua’s infinite authority over all realms of Creation to evict malevolent entities and clear ungodly blocks and implants installed into the sacred temple of your lightbody.

— Intuitive support that goes beyond third eye opening to purify and disconnect your spiritual gift templates from anywhere that they have become enmeshed and hooked into the fallen empire, so you can be equipped by God to use them for your Kingdom mission and purpose.


Lightbody Building

$ 33 Per Month
  • Spiritual warfare & black magic clearing
  • Ordained entity, curse, & implant removal
  • Chakra/energy center detox & repair
  • Soul & spirit core wound restoration
  • Anointed timeline correction & soul retrieval
  • Mental program & thought loop healing
  • Accelerated emotional alchemy & stabilization
  • Twice-monthly healing for deeper support
  • Fully remote sessions to fit into modern, busy life
  • Automated, secure payments; cancel anytime

Frequently Asked Questions

No, this is a fully remote or long-distance offering— as long as your subscription is active, you will receive the energy work wherever you are, twice a month.

Please make sure that you are not engaged in any tasks where your health or safety may be put at risk from excessive relaxation, drowsiness, fatigue, or lapses in concentration, such as driving or operating heavy machinery. Aside from that, you can continue on with your daily life as usual while the work is completed.

Some of our clients have shared that they are able to naturally sense when the energy work starts and feel it proceeding. We are hoping to set up automated email and text reminders in the future, but until then, you can schedule the dates and times into your personal calendar as a repeating event so you don’t forget.

Login to our client portal here using the email address that you provided while booking and navigate to Office > Payments to manage or cancel your autopay plan. If you forget your password, you can use the Magic Link button to have a one-time login link emailed to you and proceed from there.

If a payment has failed on autopay, the system will try again 1, 3, and 5 days after the first attempt. So if there was a problem with your card on the autopay date today and it will be fixed tomorrow, you can just leave it be and it will run again the next day. If these additional autopay attempts fail, the system will cancel your subscription plan and you will have to sign up again to continue.

You will receive an email notification if a payment fails or your subscription is cancelled. Keep an eye on the calendar and try to resolve any payment issues before the date and time of our next session to make sure you can receive it.

Give yourself space and time for integration. It is common for people who are new to fieldwork to need more self-care and rest over the next few days, balanced with their regular activities. The body can feel physically fatigued as layers of energetic density built up over a lifetime fall out, and core wounds may come up for emotional processing before they heal permanently. This is a time to lean more on God and trust in His healing process for you.

Every soul is unique. If you have already cleared plenty of personal blocks through your own path of healing, you may not feel the need to slow down or process at all!

Yes, it is normal! This can be the body’s way of physically processing the deep energetic clearing needed in the foundational stages of healing. You’re still fully receiving and getting all the benefits of your sessions. This will shift as the lightbody is built back up over time and can transition into lighter upgrades and refinements.