"Life has been more magical and synchronistic since our session!"
- Muse J
"Since the sessions, and really since God has entered my life in a different way, I feel like the idea of depression or ups and downs doesn't really feel like a real part of my reality anymore - it's taken a while to get here but I feel like it was such a simple shift."
- Muse E
"I feel that my personal alchemical spiritual work has a whole other foundation to work on now, since I’ve joined Lightbody Building. I 'see' certain things that need my attention more clearly (whether that’s a clearing or nourishing or restoring…). I feel the spiritual warfare & entity work deeply! Such a game changer! And the wound healings / reconstruction so far always showed up in tangible shifts in the respective areas.

Effortlessly, or rather organically, naturally, my voice or way of expression shifted into something that feels more home, more aligned, peaceful. I also feel calmer, more collected in general & somewhat uplifted or lighter, even during more challenging moments. A certain weight or stickyness has been lifted & stability & flexibility enhanced.

Thank you so much! This really weaves so gracefully & beautifully with everything else in my life right now, such a gift!"
- Muse MV
"I've felt a consistent difference in my life since our session, and my ability to return to centeredness and trust amid pressures has increased tenfold! Your discernment on my throat issues was absolutely key to understanding so much of what has been going on in my life, and I can't imagine getting past that block without your help. ... I've felt big improvements in my communications, especially around family issues that had been incredibly frustrating and painful in the past.
- Muse E
"I truly felt this week's session! I experienced some balancing of emotion and thought loops and was able to come back to the present more often than I used to. I also experienced quite the fatigue I hadn't felt before, probably from some removal of things. It didn't feel like the energetic fatigue I usually feel from entity attacks (which is usually more of a draining feeling), but more of an energetic workout! So excited for future sessions!"
- Muse A
"Our session is bringing through so much for me. I feel a deeper intimacy with the Father unfold within me, it's funny how it was always there."
- Muse T
"You have helped me anchor devotion to the Holy Father, not sharing every thought that pops into my head but sharing as divinely aligned and guided, letting God direct my business/mission/creative plans instead of feeling the pressure to figure it out all on my own, and even organic provision (despite my misgivings around not being a multi 6-figure boss b**** lol, I continue to be provided for)."
- Muse E
"[The day after our social media themed session] I woke up like 'I'm gonna post stories! I'm gonna talk about stuff. I'm gonna make Instagram videos, why didn't I think making Instagram videos was fun, anyways? It seems kinda fun to me.'

And then, one of my best friends who is deeply psychic messaged me, 'Something's brewing for you, like you're coming up with a new offering.' This would be the first time in quite a while that I've actually offered something.

So, wow, you and this social media clearing magic! You and God, dream team! Thank you so much."
- Muse L
"Money is starting to flow again since our session (Miracle! It's been terribly, terribly blocked)."
- Muse S
"I feel more one with my soul. I feel God Source close and my intuition really clear. It’s as if I’m in a plant medicine ceremony, my perception is really soft and I feel held in a new gentleness with immense trust that I’m supported. I feel as if I’m birthed anew right now... or my soul [is] merging with my body. A huge 'seeking' energy I had is fading... realizing deeper that I have all within. I see my mind trying to grasp God and it not working. When I pray I feel it clear inside of me... and feel the connection 'home.'"
- Muse V
"[In the last 24 hours] since our session, so much has shifted, most notably, I feel such a lightness around sharing my heart & gifts as an offering, no longer a pressure to make sure people understand and are saved (this is probably from unbinding myself from the brand, amongst other magic you weaved)."
- Muse E
"It felt like I was getting a massage... This is the Rolls-Royce of fieldwork!"
- Muse M
"God's love will transmute any shame, guilt, trauma, self-hate etc. Kiare helped me to once again restore and remember this truth. She helped me reclaim and heal a big part of my soul that I was missing to help me get through the initiation of coming into union within. Kiare has such a way of making the pathway through the pain more gentle and helping you surrender so you can flow through it and transmute with ease."
- Muse I
"I highly recommend Kiare's sessions! While our walk with God is our own, sometimes you need support, a breakthrough, or miraculous shifts. My session with Kiare helped clear a huge wound with the Father and trusting my own heart, intuition, and guidance. It also activated more of my own supernatural gifts. Kiare is highly anointed and truly amazing."
- Muse E
"Kiare is using her gifts in fieldwork that is truly mind blowing. Everything that has been coming through was so on point, from beginning to the end. She's one of the most amazing people I've ever had the blessing to work with.

She is such a gifted and incredible soul that has helped me so much during the past few weeks. It brings so much joy into my heart that people just like her are here to serve. The compassion, presence, and level of understanding is so remarkable. And the way she has made me able to laugh so much in our calls even though I've been grieving has also been such a blessing. I'm truly grateful that God sent her into my life at this time, what she has given me is something I will never forget. It has meant everything to me."
- Muse I
"Also, I've been wanting to tell you: l've only experienced your LB twice now and omg.... the energy field is already felt a solid 5 mins before you even begin and I feel it intensely for a good 15-20 mins from the moment you start. Is that normal? Also those two sessions HAVE shifted something in me - mostly the deep emotional darkness I was living in. For the past 3 months I was away (and that's an intense story of its own) and when I came back home I was in deep darkness where nothing felt hopeful or possible anymore. But since my very first LB on Jan 3, that darkness got lifted and even if I was still going through emotional ups and downs, I never felt that darkness on my heart again. I don't know what magic you do but it works and I can't wait to experience more of it. Thank YOU. I'm so deeply grateful."
- Muse I